相关 SpringCloud 解决Consider defining a bean of type ‘*Mapper‘ in your configuration.
第一种,在Mapper接口上贴@Mapper @Repository @Mapper public interface CommodityMapper
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘java.lang.String‘ in your configuration.
今天启动springboot的时候报了这个错误,经过排查发现是, @AllArgsConstructor和@Value注解发生了冲突 该情况说明@Value与@AllA
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘java.lang.String‘ in your configuration
Consider defining a bean of type ‘java.lang.String’ in your configuration 总结了网上的几种解决方案:
相关 springboot项目中Consider defining a bean of type ‘java.lang.Long‘ in your configuration.错误解决
问题 APPLICATION FAILED TO START Description: Parameter
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.service.UserService‘ in your configuration解决方案
项目场景: SpringBoot+MybatisPlus使用。 -------------------- 问题描述 Could not autowire. No
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘*Mapper‘ in your configuration.
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘com....mapper.SysUserMapper‘ in your configuration.
> <table> > <tbody> > <tr> > <td><strong>springboot项目创建常见问题(建议收藏!!)</strong></t
相关 springboot启动报错consider defining a bean of type ‘*.*.**‘ in your configuration.
图是网上找的,因为解决之后,没法复原案发现场 ![watermark_type_ZHJvaWRzYW5zZmFsbGJhY2s_shadow_50_text_Q1NETiBA
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘Mapper‘ in your configuration.
错误信息 14:42:02.320 \[restartedMain\] ERROR org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.Loggin
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXX’ in your configuration.
springboot程序入口处: @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication \{