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You are given the `root` of a binary tree and an integer `distance`. A pair of two diffe
相关 LeetCode(Array) 1512. Number of Good Pairs
1.问题 Given an array of integers nums, return the number of good pairs. A pair (i, j)
相关 C. The Number Of Good Substrings————暴力思维(1600 cf)
相关 A. Nastia and Nearly Good Numbers(简单思维)
https://codeforc.es/contest/1521/problem/A https://codeforc.es/blog/entry/90477 官方题解+
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[题目][Link 1] 思路:对于两个二进制数f(x,y)=x|y-y 举两个例子 x 11101 y 10100 f(x,y)=01001 x 111111 y 10
相关 C. The Number Of Good Substrings(思维&位运算)
[题目][Link 1] 题意:给出一串01串,我们要计算其好串的数量。对于sl,sl+1,…,sr 如果r−l+1=f(sl…sr).则其为好串,f(sl…sr)=从s
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[题目][Link 1] 思路:其实贪心一下,我们要想数字越小,则在后面的位的数字应该越大,这样留给前面的位的数字才会越小,使得数字总值越小,因此我们从后往前填9 8 7