Looking for a convenient and easy way to access basic settings on your Windows system? Default Programs Editor provides that access in an easy-to-use interface.
是否在寻找一种便捷的方法来访问Windows系统上的基本设置? 默认程序编辑器通过易于使用的界面提供该访问。
There is no installation required for Default Programs Editor. Just unzip the exe file, place it into a “Program Files” folder, and create a shortcut for it. Once you start the program up, this is the interface that you will see each time. You can navigate to the settings area that you are wanting to work with from here. Notice the “Gear Button” in the lower left corner…this will also take you to a settings area…
默认程序编辑器不需要安装。 只需解压缩exe文件,将其放入“ Program Files”文件夹,然后为其创建快捷方式。 启动程序后,这是您每次都会看到的界面。 您可以从此处导航到要使用的设置区域。 请注意左下角的“齿轮按钮”…这还将带您进入设置区域…
When you click on “File Type Settings”, this is what you will see. There are five areas/functions that you can access from here. Make changes to the “Context Menu” with the first category…
当您单击“文件类型设置”时,将看到此内容。 您可以从此处访问五个区域/功能。 对第一类的“上下文菜单”进行更改…
Would you like to have a different icon for your most used file types? Change it in the “Icon” area.
您想为最常用的文件类型使用其他图标吗? 在“图标”区域中进行更改。
Not really happy with the description for a file type? Give it a name that you thinks suits it better here.
对文件类型的描述不满意吗? 给它一个您认为更适合这里的名称。
You can also change the associated file types based on extensions (i.e. .png) or delete an extension (i.e. .docx) if you desire using the links at the bottom.
Modify your Autoplay Settings to best suit your personal needs. On our example system all autoplay has been disabled…
修改自动播放设置以最适合您的个人需求。 在我们的示例系统上,所有自动播放均已禁用…
Change what is associated with the Default Programs on your computer.
Access these options using the small “Gear Button” shown in the opening screen. These options work on a “click to active/deactivate them” principle.
使用打开屏幕中显示的小“齿轮按钮”访问这些选项。 这些选项基于“单击以激活/停用它们”原理。
Default Programs Editor in Action
We decided to go ahead and try out the “Icon Changing Option” on our example system.
We scrolled down until we found the .rtf listing, selected it, and clicked on “Next”.
Next we browsed for the icon that we wanted to replace the original with.
One nice icon to go…
Then it was only a matter of saving the change.
Curious about the options available with the drop down menu on the “Save Button”? There are two that you can select from…”Save to Registry” is the default if you simply click on the “Save Button”.
对“保存按钮”上的下拉菜单可用的选项感到好奇吗? 您可以从两个选项中进行选择……如果您仅单击“保存按钮”,则默认为“保存到注册表”。
All finished up!
Default Programs Editor provides a nice convenient way to access basic Windows settings on your system without the hassle of digging through the Control Panel.
Note: Requires .NET Framework 3.5+
注意:需要.NET Framework 3.5+
Download Default Programs Editor (version 2.3.1269.2247)
Download the .NET Framework
下载.NET Framework
Works On: Windows XP – 7
适用于: Windows XP – 7
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4580/modify-basic-system-settings-with-default-programs-editor/