相关 2018软件设计师考试(英语部分)
2018年上半年上午卷 Creating a clear map of where the project is going is an importnt first s
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2017年上半年上午卷 The beauty of software is in its function, in its internal structure, and
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2016年上半年上午卷 In the fields of physical security and information security, access contr
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2015年上半年上午卷 Why Have Formal Documents? Finally, writing the decisions down is essenti
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2014年上半年上午卷 Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety of computing conce
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2013年上半年上午卷 So it is today. Schedule disaster, functional misfits, and system bugs al
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2012年上半年上午卷 At a basic level, cloud computing is simply a means of delivering IT reso
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2011年上半年上午卷 Ravi, like many project (71) m a n a g e r s \\color\{red\}\{managers \}
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2010年上半年上午卷 Observe that for the programmer, as for the chef, the urgency of patron (
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2009上半年上午卷 For nearly ten years,the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been the indu