相关 xxx cannot be resolved to a variable之解决方法
错误原因: 大致意识是:无法解析为变量 ![93de9c3ad2d64210a18f0a6ba701c3f8.png][] 可能是没有声明、变量名识别不了、要么拼写错
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类似错误 xxx cannot be resolved to a type HttpServlet cannot be resolved to a type Http
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相关 Eclipse “cannot be resolved to a type”
遇到这坑爹的问题,网上各种答案。 只有这个能解决我的问题,eclipse机制问题: [Eclipse “cannot be resolved to a type”][Ecli
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package com.jtable\_1; import javax.swing.JTpackage com.jtable\_1; import
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今天在通过注解写Interceptor时,在使用@InterceptorRef时,一直出现InterceptorRef cannot be resolved to a type
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之前一直显示出这个问题,后来导入 这几个包之后就可以正常的使用了 `import` `android.annotation.SuppressLint;` `import`
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相关 xxx cannot be resolved to a type 错误解决方法
xxx cannot be resolved to a type 引言 eclipse新导入的项目经常可以看到“XX cannot be resolved to