相关 【开发】Dubbo3注册为应用级时报错“No provider available for the service XXX”
Dubbo3注册为应用级时,Nacos注册中心看到注册服务服务和订阅列表均正常,但是实际调用时报错“No provider available for the servi...
相关 No instances available for SPRINGCLOUD-PROVIDER-DEPT(Ribbon负载均衡)报错解决方案
第一步 > eureka3.0以上的版本包含ribbon所以不需要在导入ribbon的依赖了,所以要删掉ribbon的依赖 第二步 在application.ya
相关 Dubbo项目中No provider available for the service xxx from registry xxx on the consumer问题的解决思路
项目场景: 最近在与电信做交维的时候, 由于一些原因, 项目挂了. 然后甲方爸爸让我们这边负责追查问题并且解决 (ps: 好想做回甲方爸爸~~) ---------
相关 Dubbo Failed to check the status of the service.No provider available for the service from问题解决
问题描述: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of the s
相关 dubbo异常:Failed to check the status of the service . No provider available for the service 解决
在配置springBoot+dubbo时报了错误:Failed to check the status of the service . No provider availab
相关 dubbo实战---No provider available for the service
问题: java.lang.IllegalStateException:Failed to check the status of the servicecom.alib
相关 dubbo No provider available for the service
No provider available for the service com.carl.study.dubbo.services.StudentService from
相关 【最详细】dubbo启动消费者报错:No provider available for the service
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of the service com.pinyougou
相关 dubbo启动消费者报错:No provider available for the service。。null
我遇到的问题是: 远程调用的注解 @Reference需要指定版本号: @Service public class UserService {
相关 dubbo 使用Multicast注册中心找不到Provider (No provider available for the service)