相关 here-document at line 40 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF‘)
shell脚本使用<<EOF ……………………EOF报错 line 57: warning: here-document at line 40 delimited by en
相关 解决 The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
我碰到的情况是这样,公司开了个新项目, 我的git工作账号没有权限, 我一开始复制的压缩包, 因此没有被git监视到, 后来需要推送代码, 便使用了同事的git账号, 并且修改
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只需要检查者两个点: 1,fi、if等条件语句的首尾数量是否匹配 2,文件格式不对 vim 文件 set ff查看是不是un
相关 The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
错误描述: git提交时提示错误:The file will have its original line endings in your working director
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[Inconsistent line ending style问题的解决][Inconsistent line ending style] [Inconsistent li
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vue启动的时候报错 Too many blank lines at the end of file. Max of 0 allowed. (no-multiple-em
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hive查询报错: [FAILED: ParseException][FAILED_ ParseException] line 13:4 [missing KW\_END][