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安装cygwin 由于墙的原因,cygwin下载很慢,这里我们使用[清华大学的镜像][Link 1]。 从 [https://cygwin.com][https_cyg
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简单介绍下 Cygwin Cygwin是一个在windows平台上运行的类UNIX模拟环境 在 windows 系统上安装 Cygwin,步骤如下 1、官网下载 C
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This post was originally posted on Quantide blog. Read the [full article here][]. If yo
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After installation of OpenOCD [http://blog.csdn.net/iamlvshijie/article/details/7423611
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OpenOCD is an open-source project aiming providing a online debugger, originating from
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1.In fact, Jlink driver-program is a normal USB driver-program, so it's already inexit i
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for 循环 and for each for 语句是一种在程序执行前就要先判断条件表达式是否为真的循环语句。假如条件表达式的结果为假,那么它的循环语句根本不会执行。fo