相关 VS Code集成Bash shell
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如何在 Mac OX X 下面安装 php Mac OS X installs This section contains notes and hints specific
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准备 搭建之前需要先安装 `clang`,在 Mac 上有两种方法进行 `clang` 的安装: 1. 在 AppStore 上安装 `Xcode`,`clang`
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一、全新安装前,先检查是否有安装残留 由于Mac 10.11更改了安全机制,所以cocoapods得安装和卸载命令也有所改变, 1、如果之前装过cocopods,最好先卸载
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Google will be quit from china. It's a fatal error for googel, but maybe it's a shame fo
相关 mac shell初体验
iterm2(比mac自带的terminal好用): [https://www.iterm2.com/downloads.html][https_www.iterm2.co
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1, mac path---http://blog.csdn.net/playstudy/article/details/50149021 Mac系统的环境变量,加载顺序为:
相关 All about codes generation
I would reckon any one who is interested in the code gneration, goes to www.codegener