相关 HDU 1170(水题)
题意:如题。 include <iostream> include <iomanip> using namespace std;
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题意:求给定一排数的排序之后的中点。 include<stdio.h> include<stdlib.h> include<algorithm>
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题意:如题。 include<stdio.h> include<memory.h> define N 1000001 int visit
相关 pku 1017 水题不水
\include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() \{ int num, m, n, l, x, y, z;// m:1\
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\include <iostream> using namespace std; int hash\[205\]; int main() \{ int T, N; int s,
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Description We know that if a phone number A is another phone number B’s prefix, B is
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Description 有n个饭盒放成一排,其中第m个饭盒里多了一块牛肉。鲁观特别想吃带牛肉的那盒饭,但食堂阿姨说他只能先打开第一个饭盒,然后再向前移动两个饭盒,再向前移
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