Logical AND and OR operators: short-circuit evaluation 小灰灰 2022-01-05 15:49 227阅读 0赞 From C++ Primer: The logical AND and OR operators always evaluate their left operand before the right. The right operand is evaluated only if the left operand does not determine the result. This evaluation strategy is often referred to as "short-circuit evaluation." A valuable use of the logical AND operator is to have expr1 evaluate to false in the presence of a boundary condition that would make the evaluation of expr2 dangerous. As an example, we might have a string that contains the characters in a sentence and we might want to make the first word in the sentence all uppercase. We could do so as follows: string s("Expressions in C++ are composed..."); string::iterator it = s.begin(); // convert first word in s to uppercase while (it != s.end() && !isspace(*it)) { *it = toupper(*it); // toupper covered in section 3.2.4 (p. 88) ++it; } 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/taoxu0903/archive/2009/02/16/1392084.html
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相关 Logical AND and OR operators: short-circuit evaluation From C++ Primer: The logical AND and OR operators always evaluate their left operand be 小灰灰/ 2022年01月05日 15:49/ 0 赞/ 228 阅读