Nuke 心已赠人 2022-01-09 08:11 109阅读 0赞 \- [Debugging python code IN nuke with Eclipse][] \- Documents: \- Documents Digest \- NUKE initialization scripts are run in reverse order of the NUKE plug-in path. \-, \- nuke.env \[“key”\], (key: “PluginExtension”, “NukeVersionMajor”, “NukeVersionMinor”, “NukeVersionRelease”, “NukeVersionPhase”,“NukeVersionPhaseNumber”, “NukeVersionDate”, “NukeVersionString”, “threads”, “numCPUs”, “gui”, “ExecutablePath”, “ple”, “WIN32”, “MACOS”, nuke.env\[“LINUX”, “64bit”.) \- Listing a Node’s Controls: for i in range (b.getNumKnobs()): \# Knobs is similar to the parameter entry in Arnold, I guess. print b.knob (i).name() \- franges.compact() \- frame numbers in file names can be indicated using hashes (\#) \- Overriding the Creation of a Particular Node \- Accessing Node Metadata: nuke.toNode("Read1").metadata("key") # metadata is similar to the node entry in Arnold, I guess \- Nuke as a Python Module \ import nuke shot = sys.argv\[0\] .... nuke.execute( w, 1, 1 ) Which you would then run like: <Nuke8.0-install-path>/python.exe shot-90123-a.exr \- iop: image operation 转载于: [Debugging python code IN nuke with Eclipse]:
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相关 The Foundry NUKE 12 mac版 电影特效合成制作软件 [The Foundry NUKE 12 mac版][The Foundry NUKE 12 mac]是专业的电影特效合成制作软件,NUKE无需专门的硬件平台,但却能为艺术家提 浅浅的花香味﹌/ 2022年09月11日 00:25/ 0 赞/ 209 阅读
相关 Nuke \- [Debugging python code IN nuke with Eclipse][] \- Documents: http://www.thefoundry. 心已赠人/ 2022年01月09日 08:11/ 0 赞/ 110 阅读