ServerProperties 你的名字 2022-01-31 15:59 208阅读 0赞 Spring Boot 其默认是集成web容器的,启动方式由像普通Java程序一样,main函数入口启动。其内置Tomcat容器或Jetty容器,具体由配置来决定(默认Tomcat)。当然你也可以将项目打包成war包,放到独立的web容器中(Tomcat、weblogic等等),当然在此之前你要对程序入口做简单调整。 项目构建我们使用Maven或Gradle,这将使项目依赖、jar包管理、以及打包部署变的非常方便。 ### 一、内嵌 Server 配置 ### Spring Boot将容器内置后,它通过配置文件的方式类修改相关server配置。 先看一下下面的图,为关于server的配置列项: ![配置][20160126173131054] ![配置][20160126173159436] 其中常用的配置只有少数几个,已经用紫色标记起来。红框圈起来的部分,看名称分类就可以明白其作用。 对server的几个常用的配置做个简单说明: # 项目contextPath,一般在正式发布版本中,我们不配置 server.context-path=/myspringboot # 错误页,指定发生错误时,跳转的URL。请查看BasicErrorController源码便知 server.error.path=/error # 服务端口 server.port=9090 # session最大超时时间(分钟),默认为30 server.session-timeout=60 # 该服务绑定IP地址,启动服务器时如本机不是该IP地址则抛出异常启动失败,只有特殊需求的情况下才配置 # server.address= Tomcat Tomcat为Spring Boot的默认容器,下面是几个常用配置: 1. 1. \# tomcat最大线程数,默认为200 2. server.tomcat.max-threads=800 3. \# tomcat的URI编码 4. **server.tomcat.uri-encoding=UTF-8** 5. \# **存放Tomcat的日志、Dump等文件的临时文件夹,默认为系统的tmp文件夹**(如:C:\\Users\\Shanhy\\AppData\\Local\\Temp) 6. **server.tomcat.basedir**=H:/springboot-tomcat-tmp 7. \# 打开Tomcat的Access日志,并可以设置日志格式的方法: 8. \#server.tomcat.access-log-enabled=true 9. \#server.tomcat.access-log-pattern= 10. \# accesslog目录,默认在basedir/logs 11. \ 12. \# 日志文件目录 13. logging.path=H:/springboot-tomcat-tmp 14. \# 日志文件名称,默认为spring.log 15. logging.file=myapp.log org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure:1.3.0.M1 spring-boot-autoconfigure-1.3.0.M1.jar org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ServerProperties /* * Copyright 2012-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.apache.catalina.Context; import org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector; import org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve; import org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve; import org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol; import org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler; import org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Protocol; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizerBeanPostProcessor; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedServletContainerFactory; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.InitParameterConfiguringServletContextInitializer; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.JspServlet; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.Ssl; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatConnectorCustomizer; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatContextCustomizer; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory; import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.undertow.UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory; import; import; import org.springframework.core.Ordered; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * { @link ConfigurationProperties} for a web server (e.g. port and path settings). Will be * used to customize an { @link EmbeddedServletContainerFactory} when an * { @link EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizerBeanPostProcessor} is active. * * @author Dave Syer * @author Stephane Nicoll * @author Andy Wilkinson * @author Ivan Sopov * @author Marcos Barbero */ @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "server", ignoreUnknownFields = false) public class ServerProperties implements EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer, Ordered { /** * Server HTTP port. */ private Integer port; /** * Network address to which the server should bind to. */ private InetAddress address; /** * Session timeout in seconds. */ private Integer sessionTimeout; /** * Context path of the application. */ private String contextPath; /** * Display name of the application. */ private String displayName = "application"; @NestedConfigurationProperty private Ssl ssl; /** * Path of the main dispatcher servlet. */ @NotNull private String servletPath = "/"; private final Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(); private final Undertow undertow = new Undertow(); @NestedConfigurationProperty private JspServlet jspServlet; /** * ServletContext parameters. */ private final Map<String, String> contextParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); @Override public int getOrder() { return 0; } public Tomcat getTomcat() { return this.tomcat; } public Undertow getUndertow() { return this.undertow; } public String getContextPath() { return this.contextPath; } public void setContextPath(String contextPath) { this.contextPath = contextPath; } public String getDisplayName() { return this.displayName; } public void setDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } public String getServletPath() { return this.servletPath; } public String getServletMapping() { if (this.servletPath.equals("") || this.servletPath.equals("/")) { return "/"; } if (this.servletPath.contains("*")) { return this.servletPath; } if (this.servletPath.endsWith("/")) { return this.servletPath + "*"; } return this.servletPath + "/*"; } public String getServletPrefix() { String result = this.servletPath; if (result.contains("*")) { result = result.substring(0, result.indexOf("*")); } if (result.endsWith("/")) { result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); } return result; } public void setServletPath(String servletPath) { this.servletPath = servletPath; } public Integer getPort() { return this.port; } public void setPort(Integer port) { this.port = port; } public InetAddress getAddress() { return this.address; } public void setAddress(InetAddress address) { this.address = address; } public Integer getSessionTimeout() { return this.sessionTimeout; } public void setSessionTimeout(Integer sessionTimeout) { this.sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout; } public Ssl getSsl() { return this.ssl; } public void setSsl(Ssl ssl) { this.ssl = ssl; } public JspServlet getJspServlet() { return this.jspServlet; } public void setJspServlet(JspServlet jspServlet) { this.jspServlet = jspServlet; } public Map<String, String> getContextParameters() { return this.contextParameters; } public void setLoader(String value) { // no op to support Tomcat running as a traditional container (not embedded) } @Override public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) { if (getPort() != null) { container.setPort(getPort()); } if (getAddress() != null) { container.setAddress(getAddress()); } if (getContextPath() != null) { container.setContextPath(getContextPath()); } if (getDisplayName() != null) { container.setDisplayName(getDisplayName()); } if (getSessionTimeout() != null) { container.setSessionTimeout(getSessionTimeout()); } if (getSsl() != null) { container.setSsl(getSsl()); } if (getJspServlet() != null) { container.setJspServlet(getJspServlet()); } if (container instanceof TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) { getTomcat() .customizeTomcat((TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container); } if (container instanceof UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) { getUndertow().customizeUndertow( (UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container); } container.addInitializers(new InitParameterConfiguringServletContextInitializer( getContextParameters())); } public String[] getPathsArray(Collection<String> paths) { String[] result = new String[paths.size()]; int i = 0; for (String path : paths) { result[i++] = getPath(path); } return result; } public String[] getPathsArray(String[] paths) { String[] result = new String[paths.length]; int i = 0; for (String path : paths) { result[i++] = getPath(path); } return result; } public String getPath(String path) { String prefix = getServletPrefix(); if (!path.startsWith("/")) { path = "/" + path; } return prefix + path; } public static class Tomcat { /** * Format pattern for access logs. */ private String accessLogPattern; /** * Enable access log. */ private boolean accessLogEnabled = false; /** * Regular expression that matches proxies that are to be trusted. */ private String internalProxies = "10\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|" // 10/8 + "192\\.168\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|" // 192.168/16 + "169\\.254\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|" // 169.254/16 + "127\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|" // 127/8 + "172\\.1[6-9]{1}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|" // 172.16/12 + "172\\.2[0-9]{1}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|" + "172\\.3[0-1]{1}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"; /** * Header that holds the incoming protocol, usually named "X-Forwarded-Proto". * Configured as a RemoteIpValve only if remoteIpHeader is also set. */ private String protocolHeader; /** * Name of the HTTP header used to override the original port value. */ private String portHeader; /** * Name of the http header from which the remote ip is extracted. Configured as a * RemoteIpValve only if remoteIpHeader is also set. */ private String remoteIpHeader; /** * Tomcat base directory. If not specified a temporary directory will be used. */ private File basedir; /** * Delay in seconds between the invocation of backgroundProcess methods. */ private int backgroundProcessorDelay = 30; // seconds /** * Maximum amount of worker threads. */ private int maxThreads = 0; // Number of threads in protocol handler /** * Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP message header. */ private int maxHttpHeaderSize = 0; // bytes /** * Character encoding to use to decode the URI. */ private String uriEncoding; /** * Controls response compression. Acceptable values are "off" to disable * compression, "on" to enable compression of responses over 2048 bytes, "force" * to force response compression, or an integer value to enable compression of * responses with content length that is at least that value. */ private String compression = "off"; /** * Comma-separated list of MIME types for which compression is used. */ private String compressableMimeTypes = "text/html,text/xml,text/plain"; public int getMaxThreads() { return this.maxThreads; } public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads) { this.maxThreads = maxThreads; } public int getMaxHttpHeaderSize() { return this.maxHttpHeaderSize; } public void setMaxHttpHeaderSize(int maxHttpHeaderSize) { this.maxHttpHeaderSize = maxHttpHeaderSize; } public boolean getAccessLogEnabled() { return this.accessLogEnabled; } public void setAccessLogEnabled(boolean accessLogEnabled) { this.accessLogEnabled = accessLogEnabled; } public int getBackgroundProcessorDelay() { return this.backgroundProcessorDelay; } public void setBackgroundProcessorDelay(int backgroundProcessorDelay) { this.backgroundProcessorDelay = backgroundProcessorDelay; } public File getBasedir() { return this.basedir; } public void setBasedir(File basedir) { this.basedir = basedir; } public String getAccessLogPattern() { return this.accessLogPattern; } public void setAccessLogPattern(String accessLogPattern) { this.accessLogPattern = accessLogPattern; } public String getCompressableMimeTypes() { return this.compressableMimeTypes; } public void setCompressableMimeTypes(String compressableMimeTypes) { this.compressableMimeTypes = compressableMimeTypes; } public String getCompression() { return this.compression; } public void setCompression(String compression) { this.compression = compression; } public String getInternalProxies() { return this.internalProxies; } public void setInternalProxies(String internalProxies) { this.internalProxies = internalProxies; } public String getProtocolHeader() { return this.protocolHeader; } public void setProtocolHeader(String protocolHeader) { this.protocolHeader = protocolHeader; } public String getPortHeader() { return this.portHeader; } public void setPortHeader(String portHeader) { this.portHeader = portHeader; } public String getRemoteIpHeader() { return this.remoteIpHeader; } public void setRemoteIpHeader(String remoteIpHeader) { this.remoteIpHeader = remoteIpHeader; } public String getUriEncoding() { return this.uriEncoding; } public void setUriEncoding(String uriEncoding) { this.uriEncoding = uriEncoding; } void customizeTomcat(TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { if (getBasedir() != null) { factory.setBaseDirectory(getBasedir()); } customizeBackgroundProcessorDelay(factory); customizeHeaders(factory); if (this.maxThreads > 0) { customizeMaxThreads(factory); } if (this.maxHttpHeaderSize > 0) { customizeMaxHttpHeaderSize(factory); } customizeCompression(factory); if (this.accessLogEnabled) { customizeAccessLog(factory); } if (getUriEncoding() != null) { factory.setUriEncoding(getUriEncoding()); } } private void customizeBackgroundProcessorDelay( TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { factory.addContextCustomizers(new TomcatContextCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(Context context) { context.setBackgroundProcessorDelay(Tomcat.this.backgroundProcessorDelay); } }); } private void customizeHeaders(TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { String remoteIpHeader = getRemoteIpHeader(); String protocolHeader = getProtocolHeader(); if (StringUtils.hasText(remoteIpHeader) || StringUtils.hasText(protocolHeader)) { RemoteIpValve valve = new RemoteIpValve(); valve.setRemoteIpHeader(remoteIpHeader); valve.setProtocolHeader(protocolHeader); valve.setInternalProxies(getInternalProxies()); valve.setPortHeader(getPortHeader()); factory.addContextValves(valve); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void customizeMaxThreads(TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { factory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(Connector connector) { ProtocolHandler handler = connector.getProtocolHandler(); if (handler instanceof AbstractProtocol) { AbstractProtocol protocol = (AbstractProtocol) handler; protocol.setMaxThreads(Tomcat.this.maxThreads); } } }); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void customizeMaxHttpHeaderSize( TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { factory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(Connector connector) { ProtocolHandler handler = connector.getProtocolHandler(); if (handler instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol) { AbstractHttp11Protocol protocol = (AbstractHttp11Protocol) handler; protocol.setMaxHttpHeaderSize(Tomcat.this.maxHttpHeaderSize); } } }); } private void customizeCompression(TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { factory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(Connector connector) { ProtocolHandler handler = connector.getProtocolHandler(); if (handler instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") AbstractHttp11Protocol protocol = (AbstractHttp11Protocol) handler; protocol.setCompression(coerceCompression(Tomcat.this.compression)); protocol.setCompressableMimeTypes(Tomcat.this.compressableMimeTypes); } } private String coerceCompression(String compression) { if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(compression)) { return "on"; } if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(compression)) { return "off"; } return compression; } }); } private void customizeAccessLog(TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { AccessLogValve valve = new AccessLogValve(); String accessLogPattern = getAccessLogPattern(); valve.setPattern(accessLogPattern == null ? "common" : accessLogPattern); valve.setSuffix(".log"); factory.addContextValves(valve); } } public static class Undertow { /** * Size of each buffer in bytes. */ private Integer bufferSize; /** * Number of buffer per region. */ private Integer buffersPerRegion; /** * Number of I/O threads to create for the worker. */ private Integer ioThreads; /** * Number of worker threads. */ private Integer workerThreads; /** * Allocate buffers outside the Java heap. */ private Boolean directBuffers; /** * Format pattern for access logs. */ private String accessLogPattern = "common"; /** * Enable access log. */ private boolean accessLogEnabled = false; /** * Undertow access log directory. */ private File accessLogDir = new File("logs"); public Integer getBufferSize() { return this.bufferSize; } public void setBufferSize(Integer bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } public Integer getBuffersPerRegion() { return this.buffersPerRegion; } public void setBuffersPerRegion(Integer buffersPerRegion) { this.buffersPerRegion = buffersPerRegion; } public Integer getIoThreads() { return this.ioThreads; } public void setIoThreads(Integer ioThreads) { this.ioThreads = ioThreads; } public Integer getWorkerThreads() { return this.workerThreads; } public void setWorkerThreads(Integer workerThreads) { this.workerThreads = workerThreads; } public Boolean getDirectBuffers() { return this.directBuffers; } public void setDirectBuffers(Boolean directBuffers) { this.directBuffers = directBuffers; } public String getAccessLogPattern() { return this.accessLogPattern; } public void setAccessLogPattern(String accessLogPattern) { this.accessLogPattern = accessLogPattern; } public boolean isAccessLogEnabled() { return this.accessLogEnabled; } public void setAccessLogEnabled(boolean accessLogEnabled) { this.accessLogEnabled = accessLogEnabled; } public File getAccessLogDir() { return this.accessLogDir; } public void setAccessLogDir(File accessLogDir) { this.accessLogDir = accessLogDir; } void customizeUndertow(UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) { factory.setBufferSize(this.bufferSize); factory.setBuffersPerRegion(this.buffersPerRegion); factory.setIoThreads(this.ioThreads); factory.setWorkerThreads(this.workerThreads); factory.setDirectBuffers(this.directBuffers); factory.setAccessLogDirectory(this.accessLogDir); factory.setAccessLogPattern(this.accessLogPattern); factory.setAccessLogEnabled(this.accessLogEnabled); } } } [20160126173131054]: /images/20220131/d3d4e3bcd4324191a3877c311d36981d.png [20160126173159436]: /images/20220131/c896ef3587d04af6b77dbc545ab990b8.png
相关 ServerProperties Spring Boot 其默认是集成web容器的,启动方式由像普通Java程序一样,main函数入口启动。其内置Tomcat容器或Jetty容器,具体由配置来决定(默认Tomc 你的名字/ 2022年01月31日 15:59/ 0 赞/ 209 阅读