相关 【MySQL】[Warning] World-writable config file ‘/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf‘ is ignored.
*问题:** mysql启动时报错如下 mysql: [Warning] World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/my...
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![3a97c0cdeae24bdfad49c649224ebc7b.png][] /var/empty/sshd must be owned by root and not
相关 mac /usr/local is not writable 解决方法
今天在mac上装hadoop,发现提示权限不足问题,错误提示如下 ![20180513181822755][] 解决方法: 输入命令: sudo chown -R $(
相关 mac/ubuntu/linux 配置sudo免密码
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1、错误描述 org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Item is not writable svn:
相关 [Warning] World-writable config file ‘/etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf‘ is ignored.
文章目录 1、问题描述 2、解决方案: 1、问题描述 今天用docker搭建了个mysql主从集群,但是在配置的时候出现以下警告: [War
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相关 Mac 让sudo命令走代理
在Mac OS中,在终端中利用命令 export http_proxy=;export https_proxy=http:/
相关 mac redis执行sudo make 失败的问题
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相关 mac sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable
今天误操作修改了/etc/sudoers的权限,将它的权限改成了777,结果就导致执行所有sudo的命令都报错。 sudo: /etc/sudoers is world wr