相关 1121 Damn Single (25point(s)) map,set的使用
相关 关于哈希关于哈希关于哈希
今天老师讲了哈希,草草地整理一下: 哈希表,也称散列表,是一种高效的数据结构。它的最大优点就是把数据存储和查找所消耗的时间大大降低,几乎可以看成是 O(1)的,而代价是消耗比
相关 PAT A 7-2 1121 Damn Single (25分)
[1121 Damn Single (25分)][1121 Damn Single _25] “Damn Single (单身狗)” is the Chinese nick
相关 1121. Damn Single (25)
"Damn Single (单身狗)" is the Chinese nickname for someone who is being single. You are sup
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相关 (PAT 1121) Damn Single (哈希)
"Damn Single (单身狗)" is the Chinese nickname for someone who is being single. You are sup
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相关 PAT A1121
![clipboard.png][] 水题,但是通过这一题需要改进一点; 对于hash赋初值的时候一定要谨慎一点,不要随便赋值0,视输入的数据而定; inclu