相关 Springboot 启动报错 The bean ‘xxxx‘, defined in class path resource XXX
![20191129170822348.png][] 需要在application.yml配置文件中,spring下增加如下配置: ![watermark_type_ZmF
相关 Springboot 启动报错 The bean 'xxxx', defined in class path resource XXX
![20191129170822348.png][] 需要在application.yml配置文件中,spring下增加如下配置: ![watermark_type_
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> 码云地址:[https://gitee.com/lpxs/lp-springcloud.git][https_gitee.com_lpxs_lp-springcloud.g
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org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘