相关 【SQL】Your password has expired. To log in you must change it.......
在配置SQL的编辑器的时候,连接过程出现了如下的错误: Your password has expired. To log in you must change it
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相关 MYSQL(5.7) 报错:1862 your password has expired
> 今天打开Navicat进行数据库连接,输入密码后报错,提示”1862 your password has expired”.意思密码过期了,想来是许久没连接过这个数据库了,
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相关 Mysql 解决 Your password has expired.
直接给出解决方法 首先敲下下面的指令输入密码,进入 mysql 控制台: mysql -u root -p 然后在mysql命令行里 运行下面的命令 A