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文章目录 * Word Preparation * * go-to place: 需要去的地方,经常去的地方 * visit: 参观,游览 ...
相关 1012 The Best Rank(排序)
1012 The Best Rank 0、题目 To evaluate the performance of our first year CS majored s
相关 PAT-1012 The Best Rank
解题思路: 1.对于每个学生,rank记录最佳排名,tag记录对应的科目 2.对于题中的排名优先级顺序,A>C>M>E,可以按顺序排序,然后判断rank,如果变小了,更
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To evaluate the performance of our first year CS majored students, we consider their gra
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