相关 Linux Commands for Beginners--which and whatis commands
In this tutorial, I talk about the which and whatis commands. 1.COMMAND: whic
相关 Linux Commands for Beginners-- Changing Permissions --chmod command
In this part, I go over changing permissions of files and folders. 1.COMMAND:
相关 Linux Commands for Beginners--Changing Ownership --chown command
In this part, we'll learn how to change ownership of files and folders. 1.COMMAN
相关 Linux Commands for Beginners--The top Command
In this part I demonstrate the top command, which is useful for displaying an overview
相关 Linux Commands for Beginners--Head and Tail Command
In this part, I go over both the head and tail commands. 1.COMMAND: head DESCR
相关 Linux Commands for Beginners--The Watch Command
In this part, I talk about the watch command. 1.COMMAND : watch DESCRIPTION
相关 linux common command
grep -A 1 '37050/MQMC/JSON/slb' lisx | grep 'response Status: 200 OK' | wc -l 抓包tcpdump
相关 linux mysql command
\service mysqld start 启动服务 \service mysqld start 停止服务 \mysql 运行mysql Red Hat Li
相关 每周一个linux command
> 1 crontab 分钟 小时 日期 月份 周几 代表所有可能的值 ,表示一个列表范围。如(1,2,5,7,9) -表示一个整数范围。如
相关 每周一更-编码书写改进-学习笔记
1.StringUtils.isBlank()判断是否为null/“”/“ “/ StringUtils.hasLengh()功能同上 2.CollectionUtils