interpret of gdb "gdb info reg" 我就是我 2022-05-26 04:24 249阅读 0赞 (gdb) info reg eax 0x0 0 ecx 0x0 0 edx 0xfffffff4 -12 ebx 0x8e98f68 149524328 esp 0xf0828630 0xf0828630 ebp 0xf0828768 0xf0828768 esi 0x1 1 edi 0xf08293b4 -259877964 eip 0x812d529 0x812d529 eflags 0x10202 66050 cs 0x23 35 ss 0x2b 43 ds 0x2b 43 es 0x2b 43 fs 0x0 0 gs 0x63 99 (gdb) The first column is the register name, the second column is its value in hexadecimals and the last column is its value in decimals. I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but usually you get more useful information with the "disassemble" gdb command, as that shows which instructions are executed. If the binary is compiled with debugging info then you get a lot more information and backtraces are helpful too then, especially "bt full", as that gives a lot of extra info. EIP is the instruction pointer, EAX is both the first argument of a function as well as the return value (though it depends on which calling convention is used), but of course the registers can be used for other things too. You can't tell what's going on by looking at the register values, for that you need to look at the instructions. "info reg" is useful when you want to look up the value of a register that is used by some instruction.
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