相关 expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.spring
No qualifying bean of type 'com.shiyaxin.service.IAccountService' available: expec...
相关 【已解决】No qualifying bean of type ‘com.obtk.service.StockInfoService‘ available: expected at least
org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean wi
相关 No qualifying bean of type ‘com.nanjing.cms.mapper.CrmBannerMapper‘ available: expected at least 1 b
原因: Spring boot Application没有扫描到mapper 由于当初是cmsservice ![cf831a0193e34587921a8f2a8afe
相关 No qualifying bean of type ‘com.example.book.mapper.BooksMapper‘ available: expected at least 1 bean
具体报错: No qualifying bean of type 'com.example.book.mapper.BooksMapper' available: expec
相关 【SpringBoot问题】 expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate.
springboot启动报错: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyE
相关 No qualifying bean of type ‘com.suming.crowd.service.api.AdminService‘ available: expected at least
问题描述: 出现以上问题的主要原因还是AdminService没有加载到容器中,我遇到这个问题无非就是以下几种情况,来进行逐一排查: 1.可能存在相同的bean
相关 Spring Boot笔记-@Qualifier与@Autowired与@Bean
搞一个对象,让SpringBoot去管理用 @Bean 如果要注册好几个同对象类型的让SpringBoot管理 @Bean(name = "MyName"
相关 expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this depe错误的简单分析
在web项目中,现在控制层使用的框架比较多的有Spring MVC,如果你的项目环境完全是你自己搭建的,那么当报 expected at least 1 bean
相关 expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency
搭建ssm项目中发现bean无法注入 百度之后发现可能情况有两种: 1.bean没有被扫描到 在反复检查配置文件后,发现并不是这个原因 2.有多个bean被扫
相关 SpringBoot:No qualifying bean of type 'com.xxxx.dao.DailyMapper' available: expected at least 1问题的解决
异常代码: No qualifying bean of type 'com.xxxx.dao.DailyMapper' available: expected at