对称轴 快来打我* 2022-06-12 04:56 119阅读 0赞 The figure shown on the left is left-right symmetric as it is possible to fold the sheet of paper along avertical line, drawn as a dashed line, and to cut the figure into two identical halves. The figure on theright is not left-right symmetric as it is impossible to find such a vertical line.Write a program that determines whether a figure, drawn with dots, is left-right symmetric or not.The dots are all distinct.InputThe input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases T is given in the first line of the input file.The first line of each test case contains an integer N, where N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1, 000) is the number of dotsin a figure. Each of the following N lines contains the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of a dot. Bothx-coordinates and y-coordinates are integers between −10, 000 and 10, 000, both inclusive.OutputPrint exactly one line for each test case. The line should contain ‘YES’ if the figure is left-right symmetric,and ‘NO’, otherwise. Sample Input 3 5 \-2 5 0 0 6 5 4 0 2 3 4 2 3 0 4 4 0 0 0 4 5 14 6 10 5 10 6 14 Sample Output YES NO YES 题意: 有T个测试样例,每个测试样例有n个点,判断由着n 个点构成的图形是否左右对称,对称输出YES,否则输出NO #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct A { int x,y; } f[1001],g[1001]; bool cmp(A a,A b) { return a.x<b.x; } bool cmp1(A a,A b) { if(a.x!=b.x) return a.x<b.x; return a.y>b.y; } bool cmp2(A a,A b) { if(a.x!=b.x) return a.x<b.x; return a.y<b.y; } int main() { int n,m; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--) { int num=0,ok=0; int xx,yy,s=0,su=0; scanf("%d",&m); for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { scanf("%d %d",&g[i].x,&g[i].y); if(i==0) { xx=g[i].x; yy=g[i].y; } else { if(xx==g[i].x) s++; if(yy==g[i].y) su++; } } if(s==m-1||su==m-1)//当平行于x轴或者y轴的时候 { printf("YES\n"); continue; } sort(g,g+m,cmp);//先按x坐标从小到大排序,小的一部分在左边,大的在右边 for(int i=0; i<m/2; i++)//找左边部分 { f[i].x=g[i].x; f[i].y=g[i].y; } sort(f,f+m/2,cmp1);//左边部分先按x从小到大排序,当x相等时再按y从到大到小排序 for(int i=m/2; i<m; i++)//找右边部分 { f[i].x=g[i].x; f[i].y=g[i].y; } sort(f+m/2,f+m,cmp2);//右边部分先按x从小到大排序,当x相等时还是按y从到小到大排序 if(m%2) { int x=m/2-1; int y=m/2+1; int temp=2*f[m/2].x; for(int i=0,j=m-1; i<m/2; i++,j--) { if((f[i].x+f[j].x)!=temp&&f[i].x!=f[j].x)//如果这两点横坐标不对称,并且这里两点的横坐标不相等,图形就肯定是不对称的 { ok=1; printf("NO\n"); break; } else//横坐标对称(包括横坐标可以相等,也可以不相等) { if(f[i].y==f[j].y||(f[i].x==f[j].x))//y坐标相等或者横坐标相等(因为当横坐标不相等,y坐标相等时,这两点事对称的,这是一种情况,还有就是当横坐标相等时,他也是对称的,因为是平行于y轴啊),下面偶数情况也是一样的分析 num++; } } } else { int x=m/2-1; int y=m/2; int temp=f[x].x+f[y].x; for(int i=0,j=m-1; i<m/2; i++,j--) { if((f[i].x+f[j].x)!=temp&&f[i].x!=f[j].x) { ok=1; printf("NO\n"); break; } else { if(f[i].y==f[j].y||(f[i].x==f[j].x)) num++; } } } if(!ok) { if(num==m/2) printf("YES\n"); else printf("NO\n"); } } return 0; }
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相关 对称轴 The figure shown on the left is left-right symmetric as it is possible to fold the sheet 快来打我*/ 2022年06月12日 04:56/ 0 赞/ 120 阅读