相关 NullPointerException: object reference not set to an object
The NullPointerException is a common runtime exception in Java, which occurs when you tr
相关 Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.4.0.RELEASE:repackage (de
问题 将SpringBoot项目打包,控制台报错 Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-
相关 Execution repackage of goal org.springframework.boot:xxx:repackage failed: Unable to find main class
描述 多module结构,其中可运行程序只有server,其他不运行,所以build的代码要放到server可运行module的pom下 即如下代码 <bui
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故障代碼如下: // // USER DATA TYPES // / Simple POJO. /
相关 error Type referred to is not an annotation type:
我这个错误是一直报RedisConfig.java错误,后来发现是自己自定义的注解的问题, 自定义了一个切面和注解,结果注解名叫MyCacheEvict 切面中却是
相关 The reference to entity "characterEncoding" must end with the ';' delimiter
数据源配置时加上编码转换格式后出问题了: The reference to entity "characterEncoding" must end with the ';'
相关 Spring Boot Admin Reference Guide
1. What is Spring Boot Admin? Spring Boot Admin is a simple application to manage and
相关 Spring Boot异常处理详解
在[Spring MVC异常处理详解][Spring MVC]中,介绍了Spring MVC的异常处理体系,本文将讲解在此基础上Spring Boot为我们做了哪些工作。下图列
相关 Spring Boot执行repackage遇到Source must refer to an existing file异常详解
在Spring Boot应用构建完成后,修改了中间生成的代码,希望能够更新最终的jar包。 执行mvn spring-boot:repackage,遇到异常如下:
相关 【hibernate错误】An association from the table refers to an unmapped class
完整错误提示 Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: An association from the table T