相关 CodeForces - 731C Socks (并查集+贪心)
C. Socks time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input s
相关 CodeForces 731C Socks 并查集
1 //题意:有n只袜子,m天,k个颜色,每个袜子有一个颜色,再给出m天,每天有两只袜子,每只袜子可能不同颜色, 2 //问要让每天的袜子是相同颜色的,要重新
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Description Berland Government decided to improve relations with neighboring countries.
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-------------------- 题目连接:[http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/723/D][http_codefor
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