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Using Github with Android Studio Published by Michael Carrano on October 25, 2013 Go
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To edit or add columns to a `data.frame`, you can use `mutate` from the `dplyr` package:
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参考:[http://bqnw.me/post/dplyr-note][http_bqnw.me_post_dplyr-note] 引言 2014年刚到, 就在 Feed
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`purrr` was finally [released][] on CRAN last week. This package is focused on worki
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`purrr` 是一个拓展R函数式编程能力的包。它会涉及到很多东西,在这篇文章中,我会展示在`purrr`中最重要的(至少对我来说)几个函数。 用`map`函数来摆脱循环
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