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1.Creating Worker Thread CWinThread \pThread=AfxBeginThread(ThreadFun,&ThreadInfo,0,
相关 The Study of Programming Windows with MFC--Progress and Animate control
1.Progress Control CProgress m\_wndProgress; m\_wndProgress.SetRange(0,100);
相关 The Study of Programming Windows with MFC--Imagelist and ComboBoxEx
1.Imagelist CImagelist m\_il; m\_il.Create(IDB\_BITMAP, 18, 1, CLR\_NONE);
相关 The study of Programming Windows with MFC--Common Control
1.The Common Controls <table style="width: 95%;"> <tbody> <tr> <th><em>Control
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1.Create Rgn <table style="width: 95%;"> <tbody> <tr> <th><strong><em>Func
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::LoadImage is to DIB sections what ::LoadBitmap and CDC::LoadBitmap are to DDBs. But
相关 The study of Programming Windows with MFC--BitMap
1.DDB and CBitMap CClientDC dcScreen(this); CBitmap bitmap; bitmap.Create
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1.Create Palette struct \{ LOGPALETTE lp; PALETTEENTRY pe\[3
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Using the Print Dialog's Selection Button pInfo->m\_pPD->m\_pd.Flags&~PD\_NOSELECTED p
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1.The base architecture: CDC dc(this); CPrintDialog dlg(False); //dlg.G