assertthat 迈不过友情╰ 2022-07-16 06:23 159阅读 0赞 assertthat provides a drop in replacement for `stopifnot()` that makes it easy to check the pre- and post-conditions of a function, while producing useful error messages. x <- 1:10 stopifnot(is.character(x)) # Error: is.character(x) is not TRUE assert_that(is.character(x)) # Error: x is not a character vector assert_that(length(x) == 5) # Error: length(x) not equal to 5 assert_that(is.numeric(x)) # [1] TRUE This is a good defensive programming technique, and is useful as source-code documentation: you can see exactly what your function expects when you come back to it in the future. It is partly a response to the lack of static typing in R, but it allow you to test for general conditions (like `length(x) == length(y)`) that are difficult to express in a type system. `assertthat` can be installed either from CRAN: install.packages('assertthat') or with devtools: devtools::install_github("hadley/assertthat") ## New assertions ## As well as all the functions provided by R, assertthat provides a few more that I use a lot: * `is.flag(x)`: is x `TRUE` or `FALSE`? (a boolean flag) * `is.string(x)`: is x a length 1 character vector? * `has_name(x, nm)`, `x %has_name% nm`: does `x` have component `nm`? * `has_attr(x, attr)`, `x %has_attr% attr`: does `x` have attribute `attr`? * `is.count(x)`: is x a single positive integer? * `are_equal(x, y)`: are `x` and `y` equal? * `not_empty(x)`: are all dimensions of `x` greater than 0? * `noNA(x)`: is `x` free from missing values? * `is.dir(path)`: is `path` a directory? * `is.writeable(path)`/`is.readable(path)`: is `path` writeable/readable? * `has_extension(path, extension)`: does `file` have given `extension`? ## `assert_that`, `see_if` and `validate_that` ## There are three main functions in assertthat: * `assert_that()` signal an error * `see_if()` returns a logical value, with the error message as an attribute. * `validate_that()` returns `TRUE` on success, otherwise returns the error as a string. You'll use `assert_that()` in your own code, but you'll mostly see `see_if()` in the examples (because `R CMD check`requires that examples run without errors). Use `validate_that()` for S4 validate methods. ## Writing your own assertions ## If you're writing your own assertions, you can provide custom error messages using the `on_failure()` helper: is_odd <- function(x) { assert_that(is.numeric(x), length(x) == 1) x %% 2 == 1 } assert_that(is_odd(2)) # Error: is_odd(x = 2) is not TRUE on_failure(is_odd) <- function(call, env) { paste0(deparse(call$x), " is even") } assert_that(is_odd(2)) # Error: 2 is even The `on_failure` callback is called with two arguments, the unevaluated function `call` (which has already been standardised with ``), and `env`, and the environment in which the assertion was executed. This allows you to choose between displaying values or names in your error messages. Read the [advanced R book][] to learn more about working with calls. Also note the use of `assert_that()` in our new function: assertions flow through function calls ensuring that you get a useful error message at the top level: assert_that(is_odd("b")) # Error: x is not a numeric or integer vector assert_that(is_odd(1:2)) # Error: length(x) not equal to 1 [advanced R book]:
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相关 assertthat assertthat provides a drop in replacement for `stopifnot()` that makes it easy to check 迈不过友情╰/ 2022年07月16日 06:23/ 0 赞/ 159 阅读
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