相关 ruby on rails_Ruby on Rails应用程序流程
ruby on rails Rails申请流程 ( Rails Application Flow ) When you're writing your own p
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ruby on rails The author selected [Free Press][] to receive a donation as part of the [
相关 Ruby On Rails--Active Record Query Interface(数据库查询)
> Active Record will perform queries on the database for you and is compatible with most
相关 Ruby On Rails--Active Record Validations(校验)
> Validations are used to ensure that only valid data is saved into your database. Act
相关 Ruby On Rails--Active Record Migrations(数据库迁移)
> Migrations are a convenient way to alter your database schema over time in a consisten
相关 Ruby On Rails--Active Record Associations(关联关系)
> Why do we need associations between models? Because they make common operations simple
相关 Ruby On Rails--Active Record Callbacks(回调)
> Callbacks allow you to trigger logic before or after an alteration of an object’s stat
相关 QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
收到这个错误,一般是在执行`query.exec()` 后, 没有执行`query.first()或者 query.next()` ,就直接调用了`query.value()`
相关 Validation校验
1、Bean Validation数据校验 检测实体封装类JavaBean中的数据。 框架搭建: spring.xml (1)、注解配置处添加validator
相关 JSR-303校验 @Valid, @Validated
JSR-303校验 @Valid, @Validated 空检查 @Null 验证对象是否为null @NotNull 验证对象是否不为null, 无法