odoo--connector 怼烎@ 2022-08-03 15:48 172阅读 0赞 # Odoo Connector # Odoo Connector is a powerful framework to develop any kind of bi-directional connector between [Odoo][] (Open Source ERP) and any other software or service. This Odoo add-on has a modular and generic core, with the ability to be extended with additional modules for new features or customizations. The development of Odoo Connector has been started by [Camptocamp][] and is now maintained by [Camptocamp][], [Akretion][], [Acsone][] and several [Contributors][]. [http://odoo-connector.com/][http_odoo-connector.com] [Odoo]: http://www.odoo.com/ [Camptocamp]: http://www.camptocamp.com/ [Akretion]: http://www.akretion.com/ [Acsone]: http://www.acsone.eu/ [Contributors]: http://odoo-connector.com/project/contributors.html#contributors [http_odoo-connector.com]: http://odoo-connector.com/