相关 Oracle异机恢复执行startup nomount时报错ORA-1565、ORA-27037、RMAN-4014
*使用RMAN进行异机恢复的时候,执行STARTUP NOMOUNT报错:** \[oracle@backup-recovery ~\]$ export ORA...
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今天对生产机数据库使用impdf导入的时候,出现如下错误,错误指令为: “ORA-39002,ORA-39070,ORA-29283,ORA-06512,ORA-29283
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author:skate time:2012/07/26 早上在上班的路上接到报警短信,报警一个库的归档有问题。 alert.log文件内容如下: We
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相关 impdp时报错ORA-39083&ORA-01917
转自:http://www.codes51.com/article/detail\_146662.html impdp时报错ORA-39083&ORA-01917 ORA
相关 impdp时报错ORA-39083&ORA-01917
转自:http://www.codes51.com/article/detail\_146662.html impdp时报错ORA-39083&ORA-01917 ORA
相关 ORA-00603 ORA-27504 ORA-27300 ORA-27301 ORA-27302
\--节点1 告警日志 Thu Jun 20 03:02:18 2019 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2092 (LGWR swi