相关 Python3.7 +Django2 项目注册应用时提示:'***' must supply a name attribute
在项目(blogsite)注册应用(blog)时提示错误信息:\[blog.apps.AppConfig\] must supply a name attribute 错误写
相关 解决问题:Key is invalid. You must supply a key in OpenSSH public key format
背景: 我们在github上面添加秘钥的时候,保存会出现这个错误 Key is invalid. You must supply a key in OpenSSH publ
相关 django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: ‘yo_django‘ must supply a name attribute.
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: ‘yo\_django’ must supply a name attribute.
相关 sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
相关 the user must supply a jdbc connection 错误解决方法
今天在配置hibernate之后,进行添加数据测试时,运行中报出了 the user must supply a jdbc connection 这个错误 ,回头看了一下配置文
相关 attribute value must be constant
![这里写图片描述][SouthEast] attribute value must be constant:属性值必须是常量 dataType = Long Long不是
相关 错误LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException,Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle
Unknown lifecycle phase “”. You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the fo
相关 configure: error: you must configure in a separate build directory
安装glibc的时候,出现了这个问题。这是一个奇葩问题,暂时不知道为什么。 ![70][] 解决办法: 退出到上层目录: ![70 1][] 可以了。
相关 错误 LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException,Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle
错误 LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException,Unknown lifecycle phase “mvn”. You must specify a va
相关 sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
运维写了一个脚本,需要sudo远程执行一个命令,如下: echo "pawd" | sudo -S rpm -Uvh http://XXXX.rpm 提示: sudo...