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相关 wiki百科翻译之Lean software development之Deliver as fast as possible
Deliver as fast as possible 快速交付 In the era of rapid technology evolution, it is n
相关 wiki百科翻译之Lean software development之Decide as late as possible
Decide as late as possible 延迟决定 As software development is always associated with
相关 wiki百科翻译之Lean software development之Amplify learning
Amplify learning 增强学习 Software development is a continuous learning process based
相关 wiki百科翻译之Lean software development之Eliminate waste
Eliminate waste 减少浪费 Lean philosophy regards everything not adding value to the cust
相关 wiki百科翻译之Lean software development之Contents
Lean software development 精益软件开发 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lean softw
相关 数学之美---百科
相关 hive 锁定(翻译自Hive wiki)
Hive 并发模型 使用案例 并发支持 ([http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-1293][http_issues.
相关 Manifesto for Agile Software Development