mcafee/mysql-audit 淩亂°似流年 2022-08-23 11:55 15阅读 0赞 本文转载自:**** # [mcafee][]/**[mysql-audit][]** ![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] # * [Code ![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][mysql-audit] * [Issues 5![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][Issues 5_octocat-spinner-32.gif_] * [Pull Requests 1![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][Pull Requests 1_octocat-spinner-32.gif_] * [Wiki ![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][Wiki _octocat-spinner-32.gif_] * [Pulse ![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][Pulse _octocat-spinner-32.gif_] * [Graphs ![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][Graphs _octocat-spinner-32.gif_] * [Network ![octocat-spinner-32.gif][] ][Network _octocat-spinner-32.gif_] ### **HTTPS** clone URL ### ### **Subversion** checkout URL ### You can clone with [ HTTPS][HTTPS] or [ Subversion][HTTPS]. [ ][Link 1] [Clone in Desktop ][Clone in Desktop] [Download ZIP ][Download ZIP] MySQL AUDIT plugin * [70 commits ][70 commits] * [2 branches ][2 branches] * [6 releases ][6 releases] * [4 contributors ][4 contributors] 1. [C 81.8% ][C 81.8_] 2. [C++ 9.0% ][C_ 9.0_] 3. [Shell 7.8% ][Shell 7.8_] 4. Other 1.4% [CC++ShellOther ][HTTPS] *branch:* master Switch branches/tags * [Branches][HTTPS] * [Tags][HTTPS] [gh-pages][] [master][] Nothing to show [v1.0.5][] [v1.0.4][] [v1.0.3][] [v1.0.2][] [v1.0.1][] [v1.0.0][] Nothing to show [mysql-audit][] / [New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: aud…][New feature_ password masking. New configuration variables added_ aud] […][HTTPS] …it_password_masking_cmds and audit_password_masking_regex. [ latest commit 5e9f3730d0][New feature_ password masking. New configuration variables added_ aud] ![Guy Lichtman][] [guylichtman][] authored 15 days ago <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="config" href="" rel="nofollow">config</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Initial Commit" href="" rel="nofollow">Initial Commit</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="include" href="" rel="nofollow">include</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: audit_password_masking_cmds and audit_password_masking_regex." href="" rel="nofollow">New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: aud…</a> </span></td> <td><span>15 days ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="offset-extract" href="" rel="nofollow">offset-extract</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Support for 5.1.72, 5.5.34 and 5.6.14. Added new offsets for Security_context stuff. General fix for 5.6.12 view handling. Issue #62." href="" rel="nofollow">Support for 5.1.72, 5.5.34 and 5.6.14. Added new offsets for Security…</a> </span></td> <td><span>9 months ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="pcre" href="" rel="nofollow">pcre</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: audit_password_masking_cmds and audit_password_masking_regex." href="" rel="nofollow">New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: aud…</a> </span></td> <td><span>15 days ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="src" href="" rel="nofollow">src</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: audit_password_masking_cmds and audit_password_masking_regex." href="" rel="nofollow">New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: aud…</a> </span></td> <td><span>15 days ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="udis86" href="" rel="nofollow">udis86</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Initial Commit" href="" rel="nofollow">Initial Commit</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="yajl" href="" rel="nofollow">yajl</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Initial Commit" href="" rel="nofollow">Initial Commit</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="COPYING" href="" rel="nofollow">COPYING</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Initial Commit" href="" rel="nofollow">Initial Commit</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="" href="" rel="nofollow"></a></span></td> <td><span><a title="New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: audit_password_masking_cmds and audit_password_masking_regex." href="" rel="nofollow">New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: aud…</a> </span></td> <td><span>15 days ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="" href="" rel="nofollow"></a></span></td> <td><span><a title="readme improvements" href="" rel="nofollow">readme improvements</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="THIRDPARTY.txt" href="" rel="nofollow">THIRDPARTY.txt</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Initial Commit" href="" rel="nofollow">Initial Commit</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="" href="" rel="nofollow"></a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Initial Commit" href="" rel="nofollow">Initial Commit</a> </span></td> <td><span>2 years ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="compiling.txt" href="" rel="nofollow">compiling.txt</a></span></td> <td><span><a title="Add MySQL5.6 build comment" href="" rel="nofollow">Add MySQL5.6 build comment</a> </span></td> <td><span>a year ago</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span></span><img width="16" height="16" alt="" src=""></td> <td><span><a title="" href="" rel="nofollow"></a></span></td> <td><span><a title="New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: audit_password_masking_cmds and audit_password_masking_regex." href="" rel="nofollow">New feature: password masking. New configuration variables added: aud…</a> </span></td> <td><span>15 days ago</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> # MySQL AUDIT Plugin # MySQL AUDIT Plugin is a MySQL plugin from McAfee providing audit capabilities for MySQL, designed with an emphasis on security and audit requirements. The plugin may be used as a standalone audit solution or configured to feed data to external monitoring tools. ## Installation and Configuration ## Please check out our wiki on github for detailed installation and configuration instructions: [][Wiki _octocat-spinner-32.gif_] ## Issues ## Found a bug? Got a feature request or question? Please feel free to report to: [][Issues 5_octocat-spinner-32.gif_] If reporting a bug, please describe the problem verbosely. Try to see if it reproduces and include a detailed description on how to reproduce. Make sure to include your MySQL Server version and Audit Plugin version. To print MySQL Server version: log into MySQL and execute the command: status Please include with the bug the MySQL error log. Log file location can be queried by running the following command: show global variables like 'log_error' ## Source Code ## Source code of AUDIT plugin is available at: [][mysql-audit] ## License ## Copyright (C) 2012 McAfee, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See COPYING file for a copy of the GPL Version 2 license. **注:近期参加MySQL运维学习,老师推荐该文章作为学习和技术提高的扩展阅读,先记录到自己的博客中,随后慢慢消化、学习、提高。本文章与“字符集和权限安全”主题相关。** [mcafee]: [mysql-audit]: [octocat-spinner-32.gif]: [Issues 5_octocat-spinner-32.gif_]: [Pull Requests 1_octocat-spinner-32.gif_]: [Wiki _octocat-spinner-32.gif_]: [Pulse _octocat-spinner-32.gif_]: [Graphs _octocat-spinner-32.gif_]: [Network _octocat-spinner-32.gif_]: [HTTPS]: [Link 1]: [Clone in Desktop]: [Download ZIP]: [70 commits]: [2 branches]: [6 releases]: [4 contributors]: [C 81.8_]: [C_ 9.0_]: [Shell 7.8_]: [gh-pages]: [master]: [v1.0.5]: [v1.0.4]: [v1.0.3]: [v1.0.2]: [v1.0.1]: [v1.0.0]: [New feature_ password masking. New configuration variables added_ aud]: [Guy Lichtman]: [guylichtman]: