相关 ERROR: No matching distribution found for cv2
ImportError: No module named cv2和No matching distribution found for cv2的问题 原因 这个是由于没
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解决ERROR: No matching distribution found for yaml 报错信息 ERROR: Could not find a
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导入其他项目进来时,它使用了使用android.support.v7库,所以导入之后报错,解决办法是,在Android studio的程序文件夹里有sdk文件夹,里面存放着下载
相关 Android 应用出错 error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the的第二种情况
由于升级了SDK到5.0.1发现support v7好像老好错误,不能低于5.01的其他版本,否则会报error: Error retrieving parent for it
相关 【Android】No resource found that matches the given name “xxx” 的解决方法
今天莫名其妙又提示D:\\eclipseworkspace\\PracBCRcv\\res\\values\\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrie
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由于SDK中support v7没有正确安装,所以会报error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found th
相关 No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material...'解决办法
Android Studio在build时,提示 Error:(4) Error retrieving parent for item: No resou
相关 No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material...'解决办法
Android Studio在build时,提示 Error:(4) Error retrieving parent for item: No resou
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先看报错 /…/appild/intermediates/res/merged/beta/debugalues-v26alues-v26.xml Error:(15, 2
相关 修复 Visual Studio Error “No exports were found that match the constraint”
![315059-20151214163023912-1520659812.png][] 清空Visual Studio 文件缓存目录 Just delete or ren