vml 偏执的太偏执、 2022-09-26 14:53 120阅读 0赞 vml **The Vector Markup Language** (矢量 可标记语言)的缩写.VML相当于IE里面的画笔,能实现你所想要的图形,而且结合脚本,可以让图形产生动态的效果。 一些文章介绍 [http://www.itlearner.com/code/vml/step2.html][http_www.itlearner.com_code_vml_step2.html] 在需要创建vml的页面中 是需要一个命名空间的 <html xmlns:vml="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" > 或者 document.namespaces.add('vml', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml', "\#default\#VML"); 样式里面要加上 <style type="text/css"> vml/:\* \{ behavior: url(\#default\#VML) \} </style> ie8下有bug 我直接写在页面里面的vml始终出不来 杯具 所以只好创建元素的方式才创建了(听说ie6下的效果不错) <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="[http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml][http_www.w3.org_1999_xhtml] "> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .mark\{ font-size : 12px; margin : 0 auto; display : block; position : absolute; text-align : right; \} </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" > window.onload = function()\{ document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".vml", "behavior:url(\#default\#VML);display:inline-block;"); if (!document.namespaces.vml && !+"/v1")\{ document.namespaces.add("vml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); \} function $cVml()\{ return document.createElement('<vml:shape class="vml">'); \}; function attr(vml,config)\{ for(var i in config) vml.setAttribute(i,config\[i\]); \} function css(vml,config)\{ var str = ""; for(var i in config) str += i == "opacity" ? ("filter:alpha(opacity="+ config\[i\] \* 100+");"):(i+":"+config\[i\]+";"); vml.style.cssText = str; \} var v = $cVml(); attr(v,\{ StrokeWeight : 4, StrokeColor : '\#0000ff', fillcolor : '\#0000ff', coordsize : '600,600', path : 'm 0 0 l 10,10,20,20,30,30,40,40,50,50,60,60 e' \}); css(v,\{ position : "absolute", left : '0px', top : '0px', display : 'inline-block', width : '600px', height : '600px' \}); document.getElementById('ss').appendChild(v); \} </script> <div id='ss'><div> </body> </html> m x,y:MoveTo把画笔移动到 (x,y); l x,y:LineTo从当前点到(x,y)画一条线;可以给连续的几个点,VML会连续画出来直到遇到 x 命令。 x:Close结束一条线; e:End结束画图 FillColor:填充颜色,使用HTML中规定的颜色;例如:fillcolor=red Filled:是否要填充图形,如果图形不是封闭的,也会自动封闭图形进行填充。当Filled="true"(默认),fillcolor才有效果; StrokeColor:线的颜色; StrokeWeight:线的宽度; CoordSize 表示吧vml划分成多少个点 如果吧vml的高宽设置成600px 600px 在设置CoordSize =‘600,600’ 这样vml中的1也就是1px了 CoordOrig 远点坐标 默认是0,0 一个简单的创建vml标签的对象 <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="[http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml][http_www.w3.org_1999_xhtml] "> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .mark\{ font-size : 12px; margin : 0 auto; display : block; position : absolute; text-align : right; \} </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" > window.onload = function()\{ document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".vml", "behavior:url(\#default\#VML);display:inline-block;"); if (!document.namespaces.vml && !+"/v1")\{ document.namespaces.add("vml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); \} var vml = \{ container : null, node : null, init : function(container)\{ this.container = container; this.width = container.offsetWidth; this.height = container.offsetHeight; return this; \}, $c : function(name)\{ name = name || 'shape'; this.node = document.createElement('<vml:'+name+' class="vml">'); return this; \}, attr : function(config)\{ for(var i in config) this.node.setAttribute(i,config\[i\]); return this; \}, css : function(config)\{ var str = ""; for(var i in config) str += i == "opacity" ? ("filter:alpha(opacity="+ config\[i\] \* 100+");"):(i+":"+config\[i\]+";"); this.node.style.cssText = str; return this; \}, appendTo : function(p)\{ if(this.node!==null)\{ p?p.appendChild(this.node):this.container.appendChild(this.node); \} return this; \} \} vml.init(document.getElementById('ss')).$c().attr(\{ strokewidth : 1, StrokeColor : '\#0000ff', filled : 't', coordsize : '400,400', path : 'm 0,0 l 15,0 15,15 30,15 30,30 45,30 45,45 60,45 60,60 e' \}).css(\{ position : "absolute", left : '0px', top : '0px', display : 'inline-block', width : '400px', height : '400px' \}).appendTo(); \} </script> <div id='ss' style="height:400px;width:400px; border:1px solid \#030; margin:50px; position:relative"><div> </body> </html> 有几点要注意 1. 创建vml标签的时候 一定要用 document.createElement('<vml:'+name+' class="vml">'); 这样形式 ie8下用document.createElement('vml');很可能会看不到 2.加了属性和样式后 在把vml添加到父元素上去 如果先加到父元素 在设置属性 也会看不到 3.父元素设置position:relative vml设置position:absolute 这样才能保证vml的坐标原点在父元素的左上角 不然会在浏览器的左上角 画饼图 path:画笔 path参数: m x,y:MoveTo 把画笔移动到(x,y) ----就是画图的画笔起点 l x,y:LineTo 从M点到(x,y)画一条线;可以是连续的几个点。 x: CLose 结束一条线 e: End 结束画图 ar left,top,right,bottom,start(x,y),end(x,y): 逆时针画弧---top,right,bottom,left各位弧的 上右下左边缘界线 四条线限定了圆的位置 wr left,top,right,bottom,start(x,y),end(x,y): 顺时针画弧 主要用到 ar wr <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .mark\{ font-size : 12px; margin : 0 auto; display : block; position : absolute; text-align : right; \} </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" > var each = function ( object, callback, args ) \{ var name, i = 0, length = object.length; if ( args ) \{ args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).slice(2); if ( length === undefined ) \{ for ( name in object ) if ( callback.apply( object\[ name \],\[name,object\[ name \]\].concat(args) ) === false ) break; \} else for ( ; i < length; i++) if ( callback.apply( object\[ i \],\[i,object\[ i \]\].concat(args)) === false ) // break; \} else \{ if ( length === undefined ) \{ for ( name in object ) if ( callback.call( object\[ name \], name, object\[ name \] ) === false ) break; \} else for ( var value = object\[0\]; i < length && callback.call( value, i, value ) !== false; value = object\[++i\] )\{\} \} return object; \}; window.onload = function()\{ document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".vml", "behavior:url(\#default\#VML);display:inline-block;"); if (!document.namespaces.vml && !+"/v1")\{ document.namespaces.add("vml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); \} var vml = \{ container : null, node : null, init : function(container)\{ this.container = container; this.width = container.offsetWidth; this.height = container.offsetHeight; return this; \}, $c : function(name)\{ name = name || 'shape'; this.node = document.createElement('<vml:'+name+' class="vml">'); return this; \}, attr : function(config)\{ for(var i in config) this.node.setAttribute(i,config\[i\]); return this; \}, css : function(config)\{ var str = ""; for(var i in config) str += i == "opacity" ? ("filter:alpha(opacity="+ config\[i\] \* 100+");"):(i+":"+config\[i\]+";"); this.node.style.cssText = str; return this; \}, appendTo : function(p)\{ if(this.node!==null)\{ p?p.appendChild(this.node):this.container.appendChild(this.node); \} return this; \} \} var r = 100,center = \[100,100\]; function angle(o)\{ var hudu = Math.PI\*2\*(o/360), x = center\[0\]+ parseFloat(r\*Math.sin(hudu)), y = center\[1\]+ parseFloat(-r\*Math.cos(hudu)); return \[x,y\]; \} //0到90度 var s = angle(0); var e = angle(90); //画饼图 //路径 //var path = 'M 0 0 ar 0 0 ' + 2\*r + ' ' + 2\*r + ', '+ex+' '+ey+','+sx+' '+sy+' l ' + r + ' ' + r + ' x'; //顺时针 window.path = 'M 0 0 ar 0 0 ' + 2\*r + ' ' + 2\*r + ', '+e\[0\]+' '+e\[1\]+','+s\[0\]+' '+s\[1\]+' l ' + r + ' ' + r + ' x'; //逆时针 window.path1 = 'M 0 0 wr 0 0 ' + 2\*r + ' ' + 2\*r + ', '+e\[0\]+' '+e\[1\]+','+s\[0\]+' '+s\[1\]+' l ' + r + ' ' + r + ' x'; window.draw = function(p)\{ document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = ''; vml.init(document.getElementById('ss')).$c().attr(\{ strokewidth : 1, StrokeColor : '\#0000ff', filled : 't', fillcolor : '\#0000ff', coordsize : 2\*r+','+2\*r, path : p || window.path \}).css(\{ position : "absolute", left : '0px', top : '0px', display : 'inline-block', width : 2\*r+'px', height : 2\*r+'px' \}).appendTo(); \} draw(); \} </script> <div id='ss' style="height:400px;width:400px; border:1px solid \#030; margin:50px; position: relative"></div> <input type="button" value='逆时针' onclick = 'draw(path)' /><br /> <input type="button" value='顺时针' onclick = 'draw(path1)' /> </body> </html> [http_www.itlearner.com_code_vml_step2.html]: http://www.itlearner.com/code/vml/step2.html [http_www.w3.org_1999_xhtml]: http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml
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