SCROLLING_IN_TABLE 绝地灬酷狼 2022-09-30 09:54 18阅读 0赞 CALL FUNCTION 'SCROLLING_IN_TABLE' "Scroll internal tables according to SAP Style Guide EXPORTING * entry_act = 0 " sy-tabix Starting index * entry_from = 1 " sy-tabix Start of table substructure entry_to = " sy-tabix End of table substructure * last_page_full = 'X' " Indicator whether last page is full loops = " sy-tabix Number of entries per page * ok_code = SPACE " Function code for scroll operation * overlapping = SPACE " Indicator for overlapping scrolling * page_act = 0 " sy-tabix Start page * page_go = 0 " sy-tabix Target page IMPORTING entries_sum = " sy-tabix Total number of entries of the table (sub-) structure entry_new = " sy-tabix Index of first entry to be output pages_sum = " sy-tabix Total no. of pages page_new = " sy-tabix Page scrolled to EXCEPTIONS NO_ENTRY_OR_PAGE_ACT = 1 " no start index or page specified NO_ENTRY_TO = 2 " End of table substructure is zero NO_OK_CODE_OR_PAGE_GO = 3 " no function code or target page specified . " SCROLLING_IN_TABLE