【机器视觉】 dev_get_preferences算子 待我称王封你为后i 2022-10-07 10:44 125阅读 0赞 ## 00. 目录 ## ### 文章目录 ### * * 00. 目录 * 01. 概述 * 02. 签名 * 03. 描述 * 04. 注意 * 05. 参数 * 06. 结果 * 07. 附录 ## 01. 概述 ## dev\_get\_preferences — 在程序中查询 HDevelop 首选项。 ## 02. 签名 ## `dev_get_preferences( : : PreferenceNames : PreferenceValues)` ## 03. 描述 ## dev\_get\_preferences 允许在程序中查询 HDevelop 的选定首选项。 到目前为止,支持以下首选项: ‘graphics\_window\_context\_menu’: 返回右键单击图形窗口是否打开上下文菜单。 默认情况下启用上下文菜单。 ‘graphics\_window\_mouse\_wheel’: 返回是否可以使用鼠标滚轮缩放图形窗口的内容。 默认情况下启用鼠标滚轮。 ‘graphics\_window\_tool\_tip’: 返回在图形窗口上按下 Ctrl 键是否显示带有当前像素位置和鼠标光标下灰度值的工具提示。 默认情况下,工具提示处于启用状态。 ‘suppress\_handled\_exceptions\_dlg’: 返回错误对话框是否被抑制,默认情况下为程序执行期间抛出的异常打开,并且由 try-catch 块包围,因此可以由异常处理程序处理。 此选项永久存储在 HDevelop.ini 文件中,可以通过首选项对话框/常规选项/有经验的用户进行配置。 **原文描述**: dev\_get\_preferences allows to query selected preferences of HDevelop within a program. Until now, the following preferences are supported: ‘graphics\_window\_context\_menu’: Returns whether a right click into the graphics window opens a context menu or not. By default the context menu is enabled. ‘graphics\_window\_mouse\_wheel’: Returns whether the mouse wheel can be used to zoom the contents of the graphics window or not. By default the moue wheel is enabled. ‘graphics\_window\_tool\_tip’: Returns whether pressing the Ctrl-key over the graphics window shows a tool tip with the current pixel position and the gray values under the mouse cursor or not. By default the tool tip is enabled. ‘suppress\_handled\_exceptions\_dlg’: Returns whether the error dialog is suppressed that is by default opened for exceptions that are thrown during program execution and that are enclosed by a try-catch block and can therefore be handled by an exception handler. This option is persistently stored in the HDevelop.ini file and can be configured via the Preferences dialog / General Options / Experienced Users. ## 04. 注意 ## 该算子不支持代码导出。 ## 05. 参数 ## PreferenceNames (input\_control) attribute.name-array → (string) 偏好的选择。 默认值:‘graphics\_window\_context\_menu’ 值列表:“graphics\_window\_context\_menu”、“graphics\_window\_mouse\_wheel”、“graphics\_window\_tool\_tip”、“suppress\_handled\_exception\_dlg” PreferenceValues (output\_control) attribute.value-array → (string) 所选首选项的值。 ## 06. 结果 ## 无 **HDevelop例程** **程序示例** ## 07. 附录 ## **7.1 机器视觉博客汇总** 网址:[https://dengjin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/116837497][https_dengjin.blog.csdn.net_article_details_116837497] [https_dengjin.blog.csdn.net_article_details_116837497]: https://dengjin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/116837497
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