死锁案例之四 左手的ㄟ右手 2022-12-04 10:58 180阅读 0赞 ### 来源:公众号yangyidba ### **一、前言** 死锁,其实是一个很有意思也很有挑战的技术问题,大概每个DBA和部分开发同学都会在工作过程中遇见 。关于死锁我会持续写一个系列的案例分析,希望能够对想了解死锁的朋友有所帮助。本文介绍一例三个并发insert 导致的死锁,根本原因还是在于insert 唯一键申请插入意向锁这个特殊的GAP锁。其实称呼插入意向锁 为 Insert Intention Gap Lock 更为合理。 **二、案例分析** 2.1 环境准备 Percona server 5.6 RR模式 > 1. CREATE TABLE \`t6\` ( > > 2. \`id\` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO\_INCREMENT, > > 3. \`a\` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, > > 4. PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`), > > 5. unique KEY \`idx\_a\` (\`a\`) > > 6. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO\_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; > > 7. insert into t6 values(1,2),(2,8),(3,9),(4,11),(5,19) <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><p>sess1</p></td> <td><p>sess2</p></td> <td><p>sess3</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p>begin;</p></td> <td><br></td> <td><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p>insert into t6(id,a) values(6,15);</p></td> <td><p>begin;</p></td> <td><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td><br></td> <td><p>insert into t6(id,a) values(7,15);</p></td> <td><p>begin;</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><br></td> <td><br></td> <td><p>insert into t6(id,a) values(8,15);</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p>rollback; </p></td> <td><br></td> <td><p>ERROR 1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2.2 死锁日志 > 1. \------------------------ > > 2. LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK > > 3. \------------------------ > > 4. 2017-09-18 10:03:50 7f78eae30700 > > 5. \*\*\* (1) TRANSACTION: > > 6. TRANSACTION 462308725, ACTIVE 18 sec inserting, thread declared inside InnoDB 1 > > 7. mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 > > 8. LOCK WAIT 4 lock struct(s), heap size 1184, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 9. MySQL thread id 3825465, OS thread handle 0x7f78eaef4700, query id 781148519 localhost root update > > 10. insert into t6(id,a) values(7,15) > > 11. \*\*\* (1) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: > > 12. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308725 lock\_mode X insert intention waiting > > 13. \*\*\* (2) TRANSACTION: > > 14. TRANSACTION 462308726, ACTIVE 10 sec inserting, thread declared inside InnoDB 1 > > 15. mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 > > 16. 4 lock struct(s), heap size 1184, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 17. MySQL thread id 3825581, OS thread handle 0x7f78eae30700, query id 781148528 localhost root update > > 18. insert into t6(id,a) values(8,15) > > 19. \*\*\* (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S): > > 20. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308726 lock mode S > > 21. \*\*\* (2) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: > > 22. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308726 lock\_mode X insert intention waiting > > 23. \*\*\* WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (2) 2.3 死锁分析 首先依然要再次强调insert 插入操作的加锁逻辑。 **第一阶段: 唯一性约束检查,先申请LOCK\_S + LOCK\_ORDINARY** **第二阶段:**** 获取阶段一的锁并且insert成功之后,****插入的位置有Gap锁:LOCK\_INSERT\_INTENTION,为了防止其他insert唯一键冲突。** **新数据插入:LOCK\_X + LOCK\_REC\_NOT\_GAP** **对于insert操作来说,若发生唯一约束冲突,则需要对冲突的唯一索引加上S Next-key Lock。从这里会发现,即使是RC事务隔离级别,也同样会存在Next-Key Lock锁,从而阻塞并发。然而,文档没有说明的是,对于检测到冲突的唯一索引,等待线程在获得S Lock之后,还需要对下一个记录进行加锁,在源码中由函数row\_ins\_scan\_sec\_index\_for\_duplicate进行判断.** 其次 我们需要了解锁的兼容性矩阵。 ![format_png][] 从兼容性矩阵我们可以得到如下结论: > 1. INSERT操作之间不会有冲突。 > > 2. GAP,Next-Key会阻止Insert。 > > 3. GAP和Record,Next-Key不会冲突 > > 4. Record和Record、Next-Key之间相互冲突。 > > 5. 已有的Insert锁不阻止任何准备加的锁。 这个案例是三个会话并发执行的,我打算一步一步来分析每个步骤执行完之后的事务日志。 **第一步、sess1 执行插入操作** insert into t6(id,a) values(6,15); > 1. \---TRANSACTION 462308737, ACTIVE 5 sec > > 2. 1 lock struct(s), heap size 360, 0 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 3. MySQL thread id 3825779, OS thread handle 0x7f78eacd9700, query id 781149440 localhost root init > > 4. show engine innodb status > > 5. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308737 lock mode IX 因为第一个插入的语句,所以唯一性冲突检查通过,成功插入(6,15). 此时sess1 会话持有(6,15)的LOCK\_X|LOCK\_REC\_NOT\_GAP锁。参考"INSERT sets an exclusive lock on the inserted row. This lock is an index-record lock, not a next-key lock (that is, there is no gap lock) and does not prevent other sessions from inserting into the gap before the inserted row." **第二步、sess2 执行插入操作** insert into t6(id,a) values(7,15); 1. \---TRANSACTION 462308738, ACTIVE 4 sec inserting 2. mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 3. LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 360, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 4. MySQL thread id 3825768, OS thread handle 0x7f78ea9c9700, query id 781149521 localhost root update 5. insert into t6(id,a) values(7,15) 6. \------- TRX HAS BEEN WAITING 4 SEC FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: 7. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S waiting 8. \------------------ 9. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode IX 10. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S waiting 11. \---TRANSACTION 462308737, ACTIVE 66 sec 12. 2 lock struct(s), heap size 360, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 13. MySQL thread id 3825779, OS thread handle 0x7f78eacd9700, query id 781149526 localhost root init 14. show engine innodb status 15. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308737 lock mode IX 16. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308737 lock\_mode X locks rec but not gap 首先sess2的insert 申请了IX锁,因为sess1 会话已经插入成功并且持有唯一键 a=15的X 行锁 ,故而sess2 insert 进行唯一性检查,先申请LOCK\_S + LOCK\_ORDINARY ,事务日志列表中提示lock mode S waiting **第三步、sess3 执行插入操作** insert into t6(id,a) values(8,15); > 1. \---TRANSACTION 462308739, ACTIVE 3 sec inserting > > 2. mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 > > 3. LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 360, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 4. MySQL thread id 3825764, OS thread handle 0x7f78ea593700, query id 781149555 localhost root update > > 5. insert into t6(id,a) values(8,15) > > 6. \------- TRX HAS BEEN WAITING 3 SEC FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: > > 7. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308739 lock mode S waiting > > 8. \------------------ > > 9. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308739 lock mode IX > > 10. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308739 lock mode S waiting > > 11. \---TRANSACTION 462308738, ACTIVE 35 sec inserting > > 12. mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 > > 13. LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 360, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 14. MySQL thread id 3825768, OS thread handle 0x7f78ea9c9700, query id 781149521 localhost root update > > 15. insert into t6(id,a) values(7,15) > > 16. \------- TRX HAS BEEN WAITING 35 SEC FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: > > 17. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S waiting > > 18. \------------------ > > 19. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode IX > > 20. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S waiting > > 21. \---TRANSACTION 462308737, ACTIVE 97 sec > > 22. 2 lock struct(s), heap size 360, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 23. MySQL thread id 3825779, OS thread handle 0x7f78eacd9700, query id 781149560 localhost root init > > 24. show engine innodb status > > 25. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308737 lock mode IX > > 26. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308737 lock\_mode X locks rec but not gap 与会话sess2 的加锁申请流程一致,都在等待sess1释放锁资源。 **第四步 sess1 执行回滚操作,sess2 不提交** sess1 rollback; 此时sess2 插入成功,sess3出现死锁,此时sess2 insert插入成功,还未提交,事务列表如下: > 1. \------------ > > 2. TRANSACTIONS > > 3. \------------ > > 4. Trx id counter 462308744 > > 5. Purge done for trx s n:o < 462308744 undo n:o < 0 state: running but idle > > 6. History list length 1866 > > 7. LIST OF TRANSACTIONS FOR EACH SESSION: > > 8. \---TRANSACTION 462308737, not started > > 9. MySQL thread id 3825779, OS thread handle 0x7f78eacd9700, query id 781149626 localhost root init > > 10. show engine innodb status > > 11. \---TRANSACTION 462308739, not started > > 12. MySQL thread id 3825764, OS thread handle 0x7f78ea593700, query id 781149555 localhost root cleaning up > > 13. \---TRANSACTION 462308738, ACTIVE 75 sec > > 14. 5 lock struct(s), heap size 1184, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 > > 15. MySQL thread id 3825768, OS thread handle 0x7f78eadce700, query id 781149608 localhost root cleaning up > > 16. TABLE LOCK table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode IX > > 17. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S > > 18. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S > > 19. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock\_mode X insert intention > > 20. RECORD LOCKS space id 227 page no 4 n bits 80 index \`idx\_a\` of table \`test\`.\`t6\` trx id 462308738 lock mode S locks gap before rec **三、死锁的原因** * sess1 insert成功并针对a=15的唯一键加上X锁。 * sess2 执行insert 插入(6,15), 在插入之前进行唯一性检查发现和sess1的已经插入的记录重复键需要申请LOCK\_S|LOCK\_ORDINARY, 但与sess1 的(LOCK\_X | LOCK\_REC\_NOT\_GAP)冲突,加入等待队列,等待sess1 释放锁。 * sess3 执行insert 插入(7,15), 在插入之前进行唯一性检查发现和sess1的已经插入的记录重复键需要申请LOCK\_S|LOCK\_ORDINARY, 但与sess1 的(LOCK\_X | LOCK\_REC\_NOT\_GAP)冲突,加入等待队列,等待sess1 释放锁。 * sess1 执行rollback, sess1 释放索引a=15 上的排他记录锁(LOCK\_X | LOCK\_REC\_NOT\_GAP),此后 sess2和sess3 获得S锁(LOCK\_S|LOCK\_ORDINARY)成功,sess2和sess3都要请求索引a=15上的排他记录锁(LOCK\_X | LOCK\_REC\_NOT\_GAP),日志中提示 lock\_mode X insert intention。由于X锁与S锁互斥,sess2和sess3都等待对方释放S锁,于是出现死锁,MySQL 选择回滚其中之一。 **四、总结** 死锁分析是已经很有挑战的事情,尤其对于insert 唯一键冲突,要分多个阶段去申请,也要理解锁的兼容矩阵。对于这块我还有需要在学习了解的知识点,本文算是抛砖引玉,如有分析理解不正确的地方,望大家指正。 **扩展阅读** * [死锁案例之三][Link 1] * [死锁案例之二][Link 2] * [死锁案例之一][Link 3] * [漫谈死锁][Link 4] * [如何阅读死锁日志][Link 5] 全文完。 Enjoy MySQL :) -------------------- 叶老师的「MySQL核心优化」大课已升级到MySQL 8.0,扫码开启MySQL 8.0修行之旅吧 ![format_png 1][] [format_png]: /images/20221123/75f19ead315a4ba68c25fb0b66b91ec0.png [Link 1]: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzAzMTY4NQ%3D%3D&chksm=bd3b49468a4cc050c699592a4970a33c61db386589f6199b8d9d6a0b1ac4eb3aabc5d52aa3dc&idx=1&mid=2653934380&scene=21&sn=3266e158add079c382329644e65d5318#wechat_redirect [Link 2]: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzAzMTY4NQ%3D%3D&chksm=bd3b49628a4cc0742336c9684c704012198da94e28aff48be179b553e2557cd2a125fd13232d&idx=1&mid=2653934344&scene=21&sn=9b1a4ec019b19dd8a8367e34e3b11ee6#wechat_redirect [Link 3]: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzAzMTY4NQ%3D%3D&chksm=bd3b48b38a4cc1a57f5e3bdbacb09c3ced1bf70484aca7de764c651e2ce40688ad7aa90704b3&idx=1&mid=2653934297&scene=21&sn=1b4415f14d1350a00cf4866817d2395e#wechat_redirect [Link 4]: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzAzMTY4NQ%3D%3D&chksm=bd3b542f8a4cdd39f6195aceb447b7dda3c043af8a00e4048abc66f1150d122762ba93220940&idx=1&mid=2653933125&scene=21&sn=54e4c1a12223c45e4232e2227d7d19da#wechat_redirect [Link 5]: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzAzMTY4NQ%3D%3D&chksm=bd3b48b38a4cc1a57362dba651734cd5aea259b9ebd770685f54927f7877f98f3279c5e4c072&idx=2&mid=2653934297&scene=21&sn=c5d2afc9fab595801f640ab616f03bde#wechat_redirect [format_png 1]: /images/20221123/3c70f1ed5cee4e62bb9f99e2767865a9.png
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