相关 Consider defining a bean of type问题解决
Consider defining a bean of type问题解决 Consider defining a bean of type问题解决 包之后,发现项目
相关 报错Consider defining a bean of type ‘org.springframework.http.codec.ServerCodecConfigurer‘
springBoot项目启动报错 ![b9cbc248da4c4f3daa230659f56a75b9.png][] 经网上查询问题 发现是依赖冲突的问题 因为我使用了
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘*Mapper‘ in your configuration.
相关 spring boot集成Active MQ 报错Consider revisiting the entries above or defining a bean of type
如何在Windows环境安装和启动Active MQ请看上一篇博文: [https://blog.csdn.net/h\_j\_c\_123/article/details/
相关 springboot启动报错consider defining a bean of type ‘*.*.**‘ in your configuration.
图是网上找的,因为解决之后,没法复原案发现场 ![watermark_type_ZHJvaWRzYW5zZmFsbGJhY2s_shadow_50_text_Q1NETiBA
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘Mapper‘ in your configuration.
错误信息 14:42:02.320 \[restartedMain\] ERROR org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.Loggin
相关 SpringBoot @Autowired 报错,提示Consider defining a bean of type 'XX'in your configuration.
![70][] 主要是没有扫描到需要注入的包 解决方案 -------------------- 在DemoApplication中加上要扫描的包 @
相关 NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'int',Consider defining a bean of type int
线程启动后报这个错:NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'int',Consider defin
相关 springboot 工程启动报错之Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXX’ in your configuration.
一.启动项目时报错信息如下 Description: Field userEntityMapper in com.xxx.xxx.service.UserService
相关 Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXX’ in your configuration.
springboot程序入口处: @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication \{