相关 [SpringBoot_Subprojects]在springboot中子项目客户端报错:Completed shut down of DiscoveryClient
错误信息 . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \
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pom配置文件 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <art
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推荐:[微服务汇总][Link 1] Spring Cloud Eureka - Client启动后直接运行结束:Completed shut down of Discov
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看下EurekaClient的自动装配类EurekaClientAutoConfiguration EurekaClientConfigBean包含了`eureka.cli
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其实开始就想到是版本的问题,各种试各种搜,还是启动会报错,折腾了两天,最后终于解决了。。 我用的gradle 开始版本是 springBootVersion = '2.0.
相关 SpringCloud(十六)Eureka Client启动后就关闭 Unregistering application xxx with eureka with status DOWN
springboot版本: 2.0.1.RELEASE springcloud版本: Finchley.RELEASE 日志: 2018
相关 Spring Cloud Eureka(七):DiscoveryClient 源码分析
文章目录 1、本节概要 2、服务注册(register) 3、服务续约(renew) 4、服务下线(unregist
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idea启动springcloud报错Completed shut down of DiscoveryClient 答: Completed shut down of
相关 Spring Cloud(05)——Eureka Client介绍
Eureka Client介绍 Eureka Client是对应于Eureka Server的客户端,用于与Eureka Server进行通信。对于应用来说,Eureka