PyTorch:Encoder-RNN|LSTM|GRU 男娘i 2022-12-09 15:55 251阅读 0赞 [\-柚子皮-][-_-] ## RNN ## ### 参数 ### **Parameters** input\_size – The number of expected features in the input x hidden\_size – The number of features in the hidden state h num\_layers – Number of recurrent layers. E.g., setting num\_layers=2 would mean stacking two RNNs together to form a stacked RNN, with the second RNN taking in outputs of the first RNN and computing the final results. Default: 1 堆叠层数 nonlinearity – The non-linearity to use. Can be either 'tanh' or 'relu'. Default: 'tanh' bias – If False, then the layer does not use bias weights b\_ih and b\_hh. Default: True batch\_first – If True, then the input and output tensors are provided as (batch, seq, feature). Default: False dropout – If non-zero, introduces a Dropout layer on the outputs of each RNN layer except the last layer, with dropout probability equal to dropout. Default: 0 bidirectional – If True, becomes a bidirectional RNN. Default: False 是否使用双向rnn。 Note: RNN这里的序列长度,是动态的,不写在参数里的,具体会由输入的input参数而定。 **Inputs: input, h\_0** input维度 input of shape (seq\_len, batch, input\_size): tensor containing the features of the input sequence. The input can also be a packed variable length sequence. See torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack\_padded\_sequence() or torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack\_sequence() for details. ![watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_10_text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3BpcGlzb3JyeQ_size_16_color_FFFFFF_t_70][] \[[][https_blog.csdn.net_zwqjoy_article_details_86490098]\] h0维度 h\_0 of shape (num\_layers \* num\_directions, batch, hidden\_size): tensor containing the initial hidden state for each element in the batch. Defaults to zero if not provided. If the RNN is bidirectional, num\_directions should be 2, else it should be 1.h0是提供给每层RNN的初始输入,所有num\_layers要和RNN的num\_layers对得上。 **Outputs: output, h\_n** output of shape (seq\_len, batch, num\_directions \* hidden\_size): tensor containing the output features (h\_t) from the last layer of the RNN, for each t. If a torch.nn.utils.rnn.PackedSequence has been given as the input, the output will also be a packed sequence.For the unpacked case, the directions can be separated using output.view(seq\_len, batch, num\_directions, hidden\_size), with forward and backward being direction 0 and 1 respectively. Similarly, the directions can be separated in the packed case.RNN的上侧输出。 h\_n of shape (num\_layers \* num\_directions, batch, hidden\_size): tensor containing the hidden state for t = seq\_len.Like output, the layers can be separated using h\_n.view(num\_layers, num\_directions, batch, hidden\_size).RNN的右侧输出,如果是双向的话,就还有一个左侧输出。 具体参数和返回结果参考\[[\#torch.nn.RNN][https_pytorch.org_docs_stable_generated_torch.nn.RNN.html_torch.nn.RNN]\] ### 示例 ### rnn=nn.RNN(10,20,2) \#(each\_input\_size, hidden\_state, num\_layers) input=torch.randn(5,3,10) \# (seq\_len, batch, input\_size) h0=torch.randn(2,3,20) \#(num\_layers \* num\_directions, batch, hidden\_size) output,hn=rnn(input,h0) print(output.size(),hn.size()) ## LSTM ## 具体参数和返回结果参考\[[\#torch.nn.LSTM][https_pytorch.org_docs_stable_generated_torch.nn.LSTM.html_torch.nn.LSTM]\] ### 示例 ### rnn=nn.LSTM(10,20,2) \#(each\_input\_size, hidden\_state, num\_layers) input=torch.randn(5,3,10) \# (seq\_len, batch, input\_size) h0=torch.randn(2,3,20) \#(num\_layers \* num\_directions, batch, hidden\_size) c0=torch.randn(2,3,20) \#(num\_layers \* num\_directions, batch, hidden\_size) output,(hn,cn)=rnn(input,(h0,c0)) \#seq\_len x batch x hidden\*bi\_directional print(output.size(),hn.size(),cn.size()) ## GRU ## gru = nn.GRU(embed\_size, hidden\_size, n\_layers, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=True) 具体参数参考:\[[\#gru][https_pytorch.org_docs_stable_generated_torch.nn.GRU.html_gru]\] ### 示例 ### import torch import torch.nn as nn rnn = nn.GRU(2, 4, 2,bidirectional=True) input = torch.randn(2, 2, 2) h0 = torch.randn(4, 2, 4) output, hn = rnn(input, h0) print(output) print(hn) print(output.size(),hn.size()) from: [\-柚子皮-][-_-] ref:\[[LSTM和GRU原理及pytorch代码,输入输出大小说明][LSTM_GRU_pytorch]\] [-_-]: [watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_10_text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3BpcGlzb3JyeQ_size_16_color_FFFFFF_t_70]: /images/20221123/ddb3d0c5d7664f1aa1daae56b0aa765d.png [https_blog.csdn.net_zwqjoy_article_details_86490098]: [https_pytorch.org_docs_stable_generated_torch.nn.RNN.html_torch.nn.RNN]: [https_pytorch.org_docs_stable_generated_torch.nn.LSTM.html_torch.nn.LSTM]: [https_pytorch.org_docs_stable_generated_torch.nn.GRU.html_gru]: [LSTM_GRU_pytorch]: