formik 简单表单操作加验证 青旅半醒 2022-12-25 14:56 141阅读 0赞 [官方文档][Link 1] ### formik 表单简单操作 ### * * 1.简单结构: * 2.form对象里边有数组用 * 3.ArrayHelper:有什么复杂操作就用arrayHelper去处理: * 4.引用全局变量: ## 1.简单结构: ## <Formik initialValues={ initialValues} onSubmit={ handleSubmit} validationSchema={ SignupSchema} validateOnChange={ true} validateOnBlur={ true} > { ({ values, validateForm }: FormikProps<Survey>) => ( <Form> <FieldArray name="questions" render={ (arrayHelpers: ArrayHelpers) => ( <Card> <CardTitle>问卷基本信息</CardTitle> 名称:<Field name="name" as={ Input} placeholder="请输入"/> <ErrorMessages name="name" component="div"/> 描述:<Field name="description" placeholder="请输入问卷描述" as={ Input.TextArea} rows={ 4} /> 编号:<Field name="code" placeholder="请输入" as={ Input} /> </Card> )} /> </Form> )} </Formik> 需要初始化值,在整个form里边,只要Field的name正确,那么传值就没问题,有一些复杂组件的话,就要借助arrayHelpers修改,不会影响原有联动逻辑 ## 2.form对象里边有数组用 ## 我下边这些组件都是引用的`'formik-antd'`的,要是项目中没有安装,建议还是老实用上边那样: //as的形式引用组件,这样引用之后as组件需要接收的值全部传给Field <FieldArray name={ conditionsName} render={ (arrayHelper) => ( <> { (value.relation === 'or' || value.relation === 'and') && ( <PlusCircleTwoTone twoToneColor="#0bbd9f" onClick={ () => arrayHelper.push([])} /> )} { value.conditions?.map((e: any, i: number) => ( <PreconditionItem key={ i}> <Cascader name={ `${ conditionsName}.${ i}`} options={ cascaderOptions} onChange={ (v) => handerOptionsChange(v, value.conditions, i)} value={ e} allowClear={ false} /> <MinusCircle twoToneColor="#0bbd9f" onClick={ () => handerRemove(arrayHelper, i)} /> </PreconditionItem> ))} </> )} /> ## 3.ArrayHelper:有什么复杂操作就用arrayHelper去处理: ## export interface ArrayHelpers { /** Imperatively add a value to the end of an array */ push: (obj: any) => void; /** Curried fn to add a value to the end of an array */ handlePush: (obj: any) => () => void; /** Imperatively swap two values in an array */ swap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => void; /** Curried fn to swap two values in an array */ handleSwap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => () => void; /** Imperatively move an element in an array to another index */ move: (from: number, to: number) => void; /** Imperatively move an element in an array to another index */ handleMove: (from: number, to: number) => () => void; /** Imperatively insert an element at a given index into the array */ insert: (index: number, value: any) => void; /** Curried fn to insert an element at a given index into the array */ handleInsert: (index: number, value: any) => () => void; /** Imperatively replace a value at an index of an array */ replace: (index: number, value: any) => void; /** Curried fn to replace an element at a given index into the array */ handleReplace: (index: number, value: any) => () => void; /** Imperatively add an element to the beginning of an array and return its length */ unshift: (value: any) => number; /** Curried fn to add an element to the beginning of an array */ handleUnshift: (value: any) => () => void; /** Curried fn to remove an element at an index of an array */ handleRemove: (index: number) => () => void; /** Curried fn to remove a value from the end of the array */ handlePop: () => () => void; /** Imperatively remove and element at an index of an array */ remove<T>(index: number): T | undefined; /** Imperatively remove and return value from the end of the array */ pop<T>(): T | undefined; } ## 4.引用全局变量: ## const { values, handleChange } = useFormikContext() // values是所有form值,用handleChange去改变form的值,语法: const onChange = handleChange(`${ name的值对应就是表单上哪一个值}`) as any onChange({ target: { value: 要修改的值传到这里 } }) [Link 1]:
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