torch.manual_seed(123456) - torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(123456) 电玩女神 2023-02-15 13:53 26阅读 0赞 # **torch.manual\_seed(123456) - torch.cuda.manual\_seed\_all(123456)** # **PYTORCH DOCUMENTATION** [][https_pytorch.org_docs_master_index.html] import torch torch.manual_seed(123456) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(123456) ## 1. `torch.manual_seed(seed)` ## `torch.manual_seed` (Python function, in `torch`) [\_seed.html][https_pytorch.org_docs_master_generated_torch.manual_seed.html] Sets the seed for generating random numbers. Returns a `torch.Generator` object. 为 CPU 设置种子用于生成随机数,以使得结果是确定的。 **Parameters** seed \[int\] - The desired seed. ## 2. `torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)` ## `torch.cuda.manual_seed` (Python function, in `torch.cuda`) Sets the seed for generating random numbers for the current GPU. It’s safe to call this function if CUDA is not available; in that case, it is silently ignored. 为当前 GPU 设置种子用于生成随机数,以使得结果是确定的。 **Parameters** seed \[int\] - The desired seed. If you are working with a multi-GPU model, this function is insufficient to get determinism. To seed all GPUs, use `manual_seed_all()`. insufficient /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt/:adj. 不足的,不能胜任的,缺乏能力的 ## 3. `torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)` ## `torch.cuda.manual_seed_all` (Python function, in `torch.cuda`) Sets the seed for generating random numbers on all GPUs. It’s safe to call this function if CUDA is not available; in that case, it is silently ignored. 为所有的 GPU 设置种子用于生成随机数,以使得结果是确定的。 **Parameters** seed \[int\] - The desired seed. #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # yongqiang cheng from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import torch torch.manual_seed(123456) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(123456) print(torch.rand([1, 5])) print(torch.rand([1, 5])) print(torch.rand([1, 5])) print("9" * 16) torch.manual_seed(123456) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(123456) print(torch.rand([1, 5])) print(torch.rand([1, 5])) print(torch.rand([1, 5])) /home/yongqiang/miniconda3/envs/pt-1.4_py-3.6/bin/python /home/yongqiang/pycharm_work/ tensor([[0.5043, 0.8178, 0.4798, 0.9201, 0.6819]]) tensor([[0.6900, 0.6925, 0.3804, 0.4479, 0.4954]]) tensor([[0.0728, 0.9644, 0.5524, 0.0060, 0.1053]]) 9999999999999999 tensor([[0.5043, 0.8178, 0.4798, 0.9201, 0.6819]]) tensor([[0.6900, 0.6925, 0.3804, 0.4479, 0.4954]]) tensor([[0.0728, 0.9644, 0.5524, 0.0060, 0.1053]]) [https_pytorch.org_docs_master_index.html]: [https_pytorch.org_docs_master_generated_torch.manual_seed.html]:
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