相关 imageio.ffmpeg.download() has been deprecated. Use 'pip install imageio-ffmpeg' instead.'解决方法
RuntimeError: imageio.ffmpeg.download() has been deprecated. Use 'pip install image...
相关 Imageio: 'ffmpeg-win32-v3.2.4.exe' was not found on your computer; downloading it now.
场景 在使用pip下载了Imageio之后,需要下载ffmpeag-win-32-v3.2.4.exe文件,一种是在代码的 开头部分加入: imageio.plu...
相关 imageio.ffmpeg.download() has been deprecated. Use 'pip install im ageio-ffmpeg' instead.'
场景 运行代码时提示: [imageio.ffmpeg.download() has been deprecated. Use 'pip install im ag...
相关 ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'xxx'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately
今天安装 `serial` 时报错: ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML'. It is a distutils installed pr
相关 ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'llvmlite'. It is a distutils installed project. 此类报错的解决办法
报错的原因:这是一个distutils安装的项目,因此我们无法准确确定属于该文件的文件,这只会导致部分卸载。 一般是你安装的版本是新版的,需要uninstall旧版的,但是
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[gateway启动报错:][gateway] org.springframework.cloud.gateway.config.GatewayAutoConfi
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相关 Cannot uninstall 'ipaddress'. It is a distutils installed project and thus
> 强制升级: > sudo pip install --ignore-installed +模块名 参考文章: [https://blog.csdn.net/You