相关 【Kafka】TimeoutException: Topic device-state-in-topic not present in metadata after 60000 ms.
1.问题原因 org.springframework.kafka.KafkaException: Send failed; nested exception is
相关 KafkaTimeoutError: Batch for TopicPartition(topic=‘topic_xxx‘, partition=0) containing 1 record(s)
python访问kafka报错,内容样式如下: KafkaTimeoutError: Batch for TopicPartition(topic='topic\_xxx',
相关 kafka1.0.0配置属性Broker、Topic、Producer、Consumer、Connect、Streams、AdminClient
相关 SparkStream+kafka报错Fetching topic metadata with correlation id 0 for topics from broker
19/10/22 17:35:44 WARN ClientUtils$: Fetching topic metadata with correlation id 0
相关 WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 : {hotitems=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE}
进入conf/server.properties 把这行注释取消 加上自己的ip地址 ![在这里插入图片描述][watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5na
相关 WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 14 : {first1602=INVALID_REPLICATION_FACTOR} (
[2020-09-07 17:02:38,771] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 14
相关 kafka启动报错--broker id
相关 Correlated Topic model 的Gibbs sampling
相关 kafka报错: Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 121622 : {yqjp-devices-insertOrUpdateDevi
三点kafka集群,正常运行半年后报错:Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 121622 : \{xxxxxxx