相关 Oracle: Transaction Rollback: Causes, Detection & Recovery
In Oracle database, transaction rollback refers to the process of undoing changes made d
相关 Again! There are tons of wrong answers!
我已经放弃挣扎,全部代码都是直接复制粘贴的,但还是报错!!!!啊啊啊啊要疯了 OK there is the thing 我把附录所有前后端的代码都贴进去了,然后,在end
相关 maven打包报错-There are test failures
如果工程中有测试程序,需要检查测试程序的包名与主程序的包名是否一致。 ![在这里插入图片描述][9336643e437148d3be8e27ae91ac044e.png]
相关 SVN E200030: There are unfinished transactions detected
今天SVN提交代码的时候遇到这个问题,如下, SVN E200030: There are unfinished transactions detected ![
相关 There are test failures
`[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.21.0:te
相关 php there is no active transaction,PDO:There is no active transaction
报错 sentry后台看到这个错误There is no active transaction,这个问题出现在一个update方法里,大致是 function update
相关 svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
![20210617193134581.png][] 第一种:失败 eclipse(项目——右键team——Refresh/Cleanup) ![watermark_ty
相关 maven打包出错:There are test failures
在用maven进行打包的时候出现错误 Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-p
相关 There is no active transaction----php
代码如下 $db = app::get('sysshop')->database(); $db->beginTransaction();
相关 ynchronize operation failed. svn: E200030: There are unfinished transactions detected in 'E:\zkjn_so
1、先在文件路径下执行上述清空操作, 2、重启 Eclipse,后即可提交。