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A. Keanu Reeves 题目链接:[http://codeforces.com/contest/1189/problem/A][http_codeforces.c
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[D. Shortest and Longest LIS][] 题意:最长上升子序数。 给你一个数组长度n,数据为1-n,一个长度为n-1的字符串,这个字符串只有>或<
相关 Codeforces Round #619 (Div2) B. Motarack's Birthday
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相关 【题解】Codeforces Round #619 (Div. 2)
> 比赛链接:[https://codeforces.com/contest/1301][https_codeforces.com_contest_1301]
相关 Codeforces Round #619 (Div. 2):C. Ayoub's function
Discription Ayoub thinks that he is a very smart person, so he created a function f(s)
相关 Codeforces Round #619 (Div. 2):A. Three Strings
Discription You are given three strings a, b and c of the same length n. The strings c
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Night at the Museum 题意: 有一个转盘,26个英文字母均匀分布在转盘边缘,转针初始位置在字母a,每次只能转动到相邻的字母,然后输入一个由26个字母组