相关 poj1704(Nim博弈)Georgia and Bob
![Center][]![Center 1][]![Center 2][]![Center 3][] include<cstdio> include<iost
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Alice and Bob are playing a stone game in a board of n×m cells. In the begining, the s
相关 CTF Alice与Bob
题目描述: 密码学历史中,有两位知名的杰出人物,Alice和Bob。他们的爱情经过置换和轮加密也难以混淆,即使是没有身份认证也可以知根知底。就像在数学王国中的素数一样,孤傲
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![1332167-20190318141010776-1480049737.png][] 有个很毒瘤的事就是位置不是按顺序给出的...... 发现每次我们能够把一个棋子向
相关 ACdream 1112 Alice and Bob (SG函数+线性素数筛)
ACdream 1112 Alice and Bob (SG函数+线性素数筛):[http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/view.acti
相关 CodeForces 632B- Alice, Bob, Two Teams
B. Alice, Bob, Two Teams time limit per test 1.5 seconds memory limit per test 256 m
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Alice and Bob Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述 Alice and Bob like pla
相关 【CodeForces】 632B Alice, Bob, Two Teams
B. Alice, Bob, Two Teams time limit per test 1.5 seconds memory limit per test 256 m
相关 ACdream 1112 Alice and Bob (SG函数)
题目链接: [ACdream 1112][] 题意: 给你n 堆石子,每次要按照规则将该堆石子的个数分为两堆或者将该堆石子的个数减少,谁不能继续操作了谁就输。 规
相关 POJ-1704 Georgia and Bob (阶梯博弈)
Georgia and Bob Georgia and Bob decide to play a