相关 POJ 3253 Fence Repair 贪心 优先级队列
Fence Repair <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Time Limit:</strong> 2000MS
相关 POJ 2431 Expedition 贪心 简单的优先级队列问题
Expedition <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Time Limit:</strong> 1000MS</
相关 Poj 3287 The Trip, 2007 (简单贪心)
又是被题意玩坏的节奏。 题意:把一个包放入另一个包内,使得总共要带的件数最少,就是说大包可以装小包,且一个大包只能装一个小包,但是这个小包可以继续装更小的包。因为相同大小的包
相关 D - Expedition POJ - 2431——桶排序+贪心+优先队列
Think: 1题意一个卡车需要到小镇修理,他有一个无限加油箱,耗油量为每单位行程1单位耗油量,路上会经过加油站,假设已小镇作为坐标原点,则给出加油站的一维线性位置和储油量
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You're Zhu Rengong, a formidable hero. After a number of challenging missions, you are f
相关 Stripies POJ - 1862 (贪心+优先队列,注意输出)
Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in
相关 Expedition POJ - 2431 (贪心+优先队列)
A group of cows grabbed a truck and ventured on an expedition deep into the jungle. Bein
相关 POJ 2431 - Expedition (贪心 优先队列)
Description A group of cows grabbed a truck and ventured on an expedition deep into the