相关 /var/empty/sshd must be owned by root and not group or world-writable
![3a97c0cdeae24bdfad49c649224ebc7b.png][] /var/empty/sshd must be owned by root and not
相关 CentOS MySQL 提示:MySQL server PID file could not be found!
今天在连接测试环境MySQL 时,突然出现如下的错误情况: [root@iZ94ax97oadZ log] service mysql restart MyS
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在centos7.7或以上安装mysql5.7出现New main PID 13401 does not belong to service, and PID file is
相关 The /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by the ‘mysql‘ or ‘_mysql‘
今天启动mysql 的时候没有启动起来,然后出现了一个这样的警告,我想到可是是系统升级的原因引起的,因为好久没用了,所以 The /usr/local/mysql/d
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解决办法:直接按回车进入vi编辑器,然后输入:q!退出编辑器; 在终端输入rm -f /etc/.profile.swp然后回车,再进入vi编辑器提示就消失了; `欢迎加群
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在Mac上启动mysql的时候,出现如下提示: “Warning:The /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by t
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启动mysql 失败,“Warning:The /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by the ‘mysql’ or ‘
相关 mysql 启动错误-server PID file could not be found
\[root@centos var\]\ service mysqld stop MySQL manager or server PID file could not be